Mokelumne Wilderness Critters

Photo of a Yellow Bellied Marmot on a rock.

The Mokelumne Wilderness Area's elevation differences, land forms, soils, and diverse plant life provide habitat for over 80 species of wildlife for all or part of the year. Habitat components consist of food, water, and cover. The combination of quantity and quality of habitat provides places for feeding, hiding, resting, sleeping, breeding, and rearing of young during different seasons of the year. One of the main goals of the Wilderness Act is to protect and restore natural habitats.

Mammals - Historically grizzly bears, wolves, and bighorn sheep roamed this area. Today, mule deer are the most common large mammal found within the wilderness. Black bears are increasingly common, with individuals being displaced from the lower elevation western slopes into the higher country. Mountain Lions are known to inhabit the area. More common, yet seldom seen, are the smaller mammals like coyote, porcupine, badger and bobcat. Species of special interest that are very rare in the area are the fisher, pine marten, red fox, and wolverine. Please report sightings of these animals to the Forest Service to help us learn more about their distribution and abundance.

Rodents and Birds - The Mokelumne also provides an ideal habitat for numerous alpine rodents such as the yellow-bellied marmot, golden-mantled ground squirrel, Douglas squirrel, and pika. There are also a variety of mountain birds like the Steller's jay, Clark's nutcracker, mountain chickadee, blue grouse, mountain bluebird, American dipper, redtail hawk, peregrine falcon, the occasional golden eagle and bald eagle, and many others.

Reptiles and Amphibians - Reptiles and Amphibians - Rattlesnakes can be found in Mokelumne Canyon at elevations up to about 7,500 ft. Other more common reptiles include western fence lizards (often seen doing push-ups on trailside rocks), alligator lizards, and gartersnakes. There are three species of gartersnakes native to the wilderness, all of which are an important part of the ecosystem. Gartersnakes are often found in aquatic habitat, where they prey on amphibians, minnows, and occasional small mammals.

The most commonly heard amphibians in Mokelumne Wilderness are Sierran treefrogs which are tiny, highly variable in their coloration, and found in a wide variety of habitats, including wet meadows, shallow seasonal ponds, and large lakes. Although very small and often hard to see, treefrogs are very loud when calling, so if you have heard frogs in the mountains, you have most likely heard this species! Other amphibians found in Mokelumne Wilderness include western toads, southern long-toed salamanders, and the federally endangered Sierra Nevada yellow-legged frogs (which only call from underwater during the spring and early summer).”

Fish - Within the Mokelumne's abundant streams and lakes are also a variety of game fish such as the rainbow and brook trout. Less common, but also present, are brown and golden trout. California Department of Fish and Game licenses and regulations for fishing and hunting apply in the Mokelumne.