
Bldg. 24, Fort Missoula
Missoula, MT 59804-7297


Pursuant to Title 36 Code of Federal Regulations 261.50 (b), the following acts are prohibited as described below within the Seeley Lake Ranger District of the Lolo National Forest. These restrictions are in addition to those enumerated in Subpart A, Part 261, Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, and will become effective upon signing and will remain in effect until rescinded.

36 CFR 261.54 – National Forest System roads

It is prohibited to be on the roads within the Sale Area Boundary (Shown on attached map). 36 CFR 261.54(e).

The purpose of this order is to protect forest road users from on-going timber harvest activities associated with the Redoggie Timber Sale.

Description of Closed Roads:

NFSR #17477 (Hardwax Road), 17478 (Telemark Road), 20640, 20645, 20646, 20647, 20649, 20650, 20651, 20652, and 36077 (Mo Clear Road).

36 CFR – National Forest System trails

It is prohibited to be on the trails within the Sale Area Boundary (Shown on attached map). 36 CFR 261.55 (a).

The purpose of this order is to protect forest trail users from on-going timber harvest activities associated with the Redoggie Timber Sale.

Description of Closed Trail:

NFST 60.01 (Logging Camp Loop), 60.02 (Bull Pine Loop), 60.03 (Two Creeks), 60.04 (Roller Coaster), 60.05 (Mountain View), 60.06 (Larch Knob), 60.07 (Moose Meadows), 60.08 (Hawk Woods), 60.08-A (Hawk Woods Tie), 60.08-B (Larch Knob Tie), 60.09 (Bear Tree), and 60.10 (Whitetail).



Pursuant to Title 36 CFR 261.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this restriction:
1. Persons with a permit issued by a forest officer specifically authorizing the otherwise prohibited act or omission.
2. Any Federal, State or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty.
3. Employees of Tricon Timber Company and their subcontractors.

Done at Missoula, Montana this 21st day of July, 2014.

/s/ Timothy Garcia
Timothy Garcia
Forest Supervisor
Lolo National Forest


Violation of these prohibitions is punishable by a fine of not more than $5000 for an individual or $10,000 for an organization, or imprisonment for not more than 6 months, or both (16 USC 551 and 18 USC 3559 and 3571).

A copy of this order shall be posted as prescribed in 36 CFR 261.51.