Federal Financial Assistance: Grants & Agreements


SAM.GOV is an official website for U.S government. All entities must register with SAM in order to conduct business with the federal government. On April 4, 2022, the unique entity identifier used across the federal government changed from the DUNS Number to the Unique Entity ID (UEI). Every year you will need to update and renew your registration. If your SAM registration expires, there will be a delay in receiving funding or adding new funding through a modification.

Information and forms are available for:



short URL for this page: https://www.fs.usda.gov/goto/r6/sptf/grants-agreements
To WO Grants and Agreements:  https://www.fs.usda.gov/working-with-us/grants 

Our Mission

The Forest Service awards grants and agreements to individuals, organizations, institutions, businesses, tribes, state, local government agencies and other entities to carry out our mission: caring for the land and serving people