Wilderness Inventory

The Wilderness Evaluation process as described in the 2012 Planning rule and directives is a process for identifying and evaluating lands that may be suitable for inclusion in the National Wilderness Preservation System, as required by the Wilderness Act. The Wilderness Evaluation process includes four primary steps: 1) inventory, 2) evaluation, 3) analysis, and 4) recommendation.

A preliminary inventory was completed by HLC staff and DRAFT polygons were selected to bring forward to evaluation. In addition to polygon size, the inventory process also considers existing, relevant information identified during the assessment phase of the Forest Plan Revision, including information about designated areas (such as Inventoried Roadless Areas), transportation infrastructure (such as road maintenance levels) or other improvements, and past or pending wilderness recommendation proposals.The preliminary inventory resulted in 46 polygons that are included in the draft inventory and will be carried forward to be further evaluated. The HLC is seeking review and comment on this inventory.

Wilderness Inventory Results

Wilderness Inventory Map

HLC Forest Overview Map

The HLC Forest Overview map also includes an overlay of other areas or resources on the HLC such as the Inventoried Roadless Areas, designated wilderness, and timber suitability. Please note that at this stage in the process, the inclusion of lands in the wilderness inventory is not influenced by the identification of lands that may be suited for timber production, and vice versa.