Wooden Spur Resource Management Project

Vegetation management and water quality improvement in the Cat Spur Drainage on the St. Joe Ranger District. This area is designated to provide long-term growth and production of commercially valuable wood products. We are proposing active timeber management to increase the forest health and productivity. We also propose to improve and reduce roads to slow soil erosion to the streams. In order to access treatment units we are proposing to construct about 3.5 miles of new system and temporary road.

Location Summary

Cat Spur Drainage in the West Fork St. Maries River Drainage on the St. Joe Ranger District

District: St. Maries Ranger District

Project Milestones

Scoping Start07/13/2012
Comment Period07/03/2013
Objection Period StartN/A
Implementation07/01/2014 (Estimated)

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