Homestake Road TH #703 (winter)

This relatively flat route starts at Hwy 24 and ends at the Homestake Reservoir. It is bordered by Wilderness so offers little off-trail opportunity for snowmobilers: This route offers excellent snow tours because of its easy grade and freedom from avalanche danger, except at the very end near the dam. Homestake is a wide, glacial-formed valley with a gentle slope that is great elk winter range. The road follows the Homestake Creek for 10.8 miles and offers plenty of shorter destinations along the route that will satisfy snowshoers and skiers.


At a Glance

Open Season: Typically snow covered by late November
Usage: Light
Closest Towns: Red Cliff

General Information

Directions: Travel west on I-70 to Exit 171 for Minturn, Leadville, and Hwy 24. Exit here and turn right (south) onto Hwy 24. Proceed south about 13 miles to the Homestake Road (#703) pullout on the right.

Recreation Map

Map showing recreational areas. Map Information


XC Skiing/Snowshoeing


Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities


  Area/Length : 
10.8 miles

  Latitude : 

  Longitude : 

  Elevation : 
8938 - 10278