It's a field trip to the Boise National Forest that you can take through your computer. You'll see a little bit of everything. Mountains. Trees. Streams. Lakes. Wildlife. Flowers. You'll be able to explore the forest through "Quick Time VR Panorama pages." A panorama page looks like a photograph ... except you can turn and see in every direction!
The panorama pages aren't the same as hiking through the forest. You won't feel the wind against your cheeks, smell the scent of pine trees, or hear the water rushing down a mountain stream. So, we hope you might want to visit the forest for real. You can print out a map with directions to give you an idea of where these places are. We'll give you addresses of where you can get an official forest map to help you find all the right roads to visit these areas.
Are you ready? Just click on either the Tripod Peak or Red Mountain area links to the left. Maybe you'll learn a thing or two about the incredible national forest almost in your backyard!
If you'd like to learn more about the Forest, you can call (208) 373-4100 or email us.