XC Skiing/Snowshoeing

Whether you're a beginner or an expert, a traditional skier, or enjoy snow shoeing, exciting trails await you on the Allegheny National Forest. There are miles of trail designated for X-Country Skiing and hiking trails available for snowshoeing.


Designated Trails

X-Country Skiing trails are not set or groomed. Please ski safely and within your limit of control. Ski to the right when approaching other skiers or when being passed by other skiers. TRACK RIGHT!

Cross-Country Ski Trails on the ANF

Trail Miles Other Trail Uses
Brush Hollow 7.7 Cross-country skiing, mountain biking, hiking
Buzzard Swamp 11.2 Cross-country skiing, mountain biking, snowshoeing, hiking
Hearts Content Trails 7.8 Cross country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking
Hickory Creek 12 Cross-country skiing, hiking
Laurel Mills 10.7 Cross-country skiing, hiking
Little Drummer Historical Pathway 3.1 Cross-country skiing, hiking
North Country National Scenic Trail 96.3 Cross-country skiing, snowshoeing, hiking
Rimrock 1.3 Snowshoeing, hiking
Tracy Ridge 33.69 Cross-country skiing, hiking
Twin Lakes 15.8 Cross country skiing, mountain biking, hiking
Westline 9.8 Cross country skiing


Clearly identified with diamonds, trails are classified by their level of difficulty:

  • EASIEST: Intended for warm-ups and beginner skiers, trails are designated by a green circle with a horizontal wave.
  • DIFFICULT: Intended for advanced beginner and intermediate schussers, loops designated with more difficulty than beginner have a few hills and turns and are designated by a blue square with a horizontal wave. Trail flow changes are clearly marked for trail users and referenced on the map.
  • MOST DIFFICULT: Trails designated by a black diamond and a diagonal zigzag are intended for experienced skiers as they are more complex on the landscape and require more skill.



These trails are for hiking, cross-country skiing, and mountain biking. Motorized vehicles, ATV's, and snowmobiles are not allowed on any of the trails.

Hikers and mountain bikers are asked to NOT walk or ride through ski tracks on the Laurel Mill, Brush Hollow, Westline, or Hearts Content trail systems.

These are dedicated ski trails during snow-on. Walking or riding through the tracks ruins them for ski use. Forest trails policy also prohibits the use of saddle, pack, or draft animals on cross-country ski trails.



Please remember to:

  • Dress in layers and always wear hats and gloves.
  • Let someone know which trails you plan to ski.
  • Ski with a friend, especially at night.
  • Download or carry a map.
  • Stay on the trail
  • Carry extra wax.

XC Skiing/Snowshoeing Areas

  • Allegheny Reservoir
  • Rimrock Hiking Trail and Overlook
  • Tracy Ridge Hiking Trail
  • Tracy Ridge Recreation Area
  • Bradford Ranger District
  • Hearts Content Recreation Area
  • Hickory Creek Wilderness
  • Westline Cross-Country Ski/Hiking Trail
  • Clarion Wild and Scenic River
  • Marienville Ranger District
  • Brush Hollow Cross Country Ski and Hiking Trail
  • Buzzard Swamp Wildlife Viewing and Hiking Area
  • Buzzard Swamp 157 Trailhead
  • Buzzard Swamp 376 Trailhead
  • Laurel Mill Cross-Country Ski and Hiking Trail
  • Little Drummer Historical Pathway
  • Twin Lakes Hiking Trail
  • North Country National Scenic Trail

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities