OHV Trail Riding

PErson riding a 4-wheeler on the ForestThe Chippewa National Forest has an OHV Road Travel Access decision policy that applies only to Chippewa National Forest lands, trails and roads. 

Where to Ride:

  • OHV use is allowed only on roads that are designated open for such use, as marked on the Motorized Vehicle Use Map.
  • Forest Service roads are identified and signed with a number at their main intersection with other roads.
  • Designated roads include both low standard and higher standard roads.  Please show caution when sharing a road with passenger vehicle traffic. 

Low standard roads are Forest Service roads planned, constructed, and maintained for future management use.  They are managed for use by high clearance vehicles.  Passenger car traffic is not encouraged.  High standard roads are Forest Service roads managed for passenger car traffic.  Specific high standard roads are open for OHV use.  Please show caution when sharing a road with passenger vehicle traffic. 

Get the Map:
To locate Forest Service roads and trails a free Chippewa National Forest Motorized Vehicle Use map (MVUM) is available showing numbered roads on the Forest open to OHVs.  The map is available at national forest offices in Blackduck, Cass Lake, Deer River and Walker.  The black and white MVUM is updated annually.  Make sure you have the most recent copy.

OHV Trail Riding Areas

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities