XC Skiing/Snowshoeing
The Chequamegon-Nicolet provides many miles of groomed & tracked cross-country ski trails as well as snowshoeing trails.
Find updated ski trail conditions on SkinnySki by filtering the region to NE or NW Wisconsin.
XC Skiing/Snowshoeing Areas
- Eagle River - Florence District
- Anvil Lake Recreation Area
- Chipmunk Rapids Recreation Area
- Franklin Lake Recreation Area
- Lauterman National Recreation Area
- Lost Lake Recreation Area
- Luna - White Deer Lake Recreation Area
- Nicolet North Trail
- Phelps Ski / Hiking Trail
- Sam Campbell Memorial Trail
- Stevens Lake Recreation Area
- Great Divide District
- Morgan Falls St. Peter's Dome Recreation Area
- Mukwonago Trail
- Namekagon Lake Recreation Area
- Namekagon Trail
- Penokee Mountain Trail
- Rock Lake National Recreation Trail
- Lakewood - Laona District
- Ed's Lake National Recreation Trail
- Jones Springs Area Trail
- Lakewood Cross-Country Ski Trail
- Maranatha Ski Trail
- McComb Nordic Ski Trail
- Medford - Park Falls District
- Newman Springs Trail
- Perkinstown XC Trail
- Round Lake Recreation Area
- Wintergreen Trail
- North Country Trail
- Washburn Ranger District
- Drummond Recreation Trail
- Long Lake Recreation Area
- Valhalla Recreation Area
- Wanoka Lake Recreation Area
Alerts & Warnings
- Closure on FR 238/Cherryville RD in Barksdale beginning on 9/30/2024
- Water levels reduced on the Mondeaux Flowage starting on 9/30
- Recreation areas, trails, and roads open after recovery from 2019 windstorm
- Prescribed Burning Planned for FY2024
- Closure on Forest Road 1666 (Black Lake Road) for motorized vehicles
- Safety reminders for hunting season
- Aquatic Invasive Species decontamination required at Lake Owen and Two Lakes