
Snowmobiling Safety

  • Idaho Panhandle Avalanche Center
    Avalanche advisories updated weekly in the winter, information on avalanche awareness classes, avalanche reference materials, and links to other avalanche web sites.

Snowmobiling on the Kaniksu Portion of the Idaho Panhandle NFs

Until the Kaniksu Over-Snow Vehicle Travel Plan takes effect, motorized over-snow travel in the Priest Lake, Sandpoint, and Bonners Ferry areas of the forest will be regulated by the current Snowmobile Guide in effect since 2013. 

Snowmobile Guide — Priest Lake | Sandpoint | Bonners Ferry

View the front of the guide 

View the back of the guide 

Status of the Kaniksu Over-Snow Vehicle Travel Plan

The Idaho Panhandle National Forests is pausing implementation of the Over Snow Vehicle (OSV) Plan until consultation with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) on impacts to North American wolverine is complete.  

The wolverine was listed as threatened on the Endangered Species list January 2nd, 2024, after the OSV decision was signed in 2023. The Forest is currently working with the USFWS to complete this consultation and expects the process to be complete early 2025. 

Snowmobiling on the St. Joe Portion of the Idaho Panhandle NFs

New maps are available for groomed routes on the St. Joe out of Avery (Area 40B) and Clarkia (Area 05)

Warming huts will be up at Rutledge Saddle, Round Top and Blackwell.

All grooming is subject to snow conditions and winter plowing.  These routes are maintained through a partnership with Benewah and Shoshone County Groomer Boards and Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation.

Most up to date grooming information can be found on the following facebook pages "Avery Store and Motel" and "St. Joe Snowriders"

Snowmobiling Areas

  • Coeur d'Alene River Area
  • Kootenai & Shoshone Counties Snowmobile Trails
  • St. Joe River Area
  • Groomed Snow Routes in the St. Joe Area

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities