Mountain Biking

A biker is silhouetted against a blue-green sky

Where You Can Mountain Bike on the White Mountain National Forest

All trails, roads, and *travel corridors on the White Mountain National Forest are open to mountain bikes except in Congressionally designated Wilderness areas, on the Appalachian Trail, or where otherwise posted. Cross-country travel, however, is not permitted on the Forest; this includes user-created trails that are not part of the National Forest System of trails. Mountain biking opportunities are somewhat limited on these trails due to steepness, natural obstacles, and constructed trail features; however, there are mountain bike trails on the Forest as well as in neighboring communities on non-Forest land.

*A travel corridor is a discernible route that was at one time meant for one or more types of four wheel or tracked vehicles and is not likely to recover naturally within one year.

Things You Should Know About Mountain Biking on the National Forest

Mountain bikers may come across trails on the Forest that look very much like “official” mountain bike trails – or National Forest System (NFS) trails – that are not recognized as legitimate trails by the Forest Service. It is important to understand the difference between a NFS trail and a user-created or ‘bootleg’ trail. Some user-created trails were actively constructed, and others have been the result of repeated use over time; or a combination of both. The concern with these trails is that they were created without consultation with natural resource specialists to consider the potential effects on the resources – such as erosion, disruption to wildlife habitat or trampling of rare or sensitive plants - a necessity for any project taking place on public land. If you aren’t sure about a trail, give us a call and we’ll try to help.

Lift-served Mountain Biking

Lift-served mountain biking occurs at developed ski areas and allows riders and their bikes to take a chairlift to the top of downhill only trails. Trails vary from mellow flow trails to steep, rocky trails with wooden features and jumps. These areas charge a fee and typically provide amenities like rental bikes, bathrooms, and food opportunities.

Mountain Biking Areas

  • Androscoggin Ranger District
  • Barnes Field Group Campground
  • Loon Mountain Ski Resort
  • Waterville Valley Ski Area
  • Saco Ranger District
  • Meadow Brook Snowmobile & Biking Trailhead
  • Moat Mountain Mineral Site Trailhead

Recreation Areas

Recreation Activities