Campground Camping
Developed Campgrounds
The White River National Forest has many developed campgrounds, including some sites with amenities for large groups and equestrians.
Campground Camping Areas
- Aspen-Sopris Ranger District
- Aspen Area
- Difficult Campground and Group Campground
- Lincoln Gulch Campground
- Lost Man Campground
- Portal Campground
- Silver Bar Campground
- Silver Bell Campground
- Silver Queen Campground
- Weller Campground
- Basalt Area
- Chapman Campground and Group Campground
- Dearhamer Campground
- Elk Wallow Campground
- Little Mattie Campground
- Little Maud Campground
- Mollie B Campground
- Ruedi Marina Campground
- Ruedi Reservoir
- Carbondale Area
- Avalanche Campground
- Redstone Campground
- Marble Area
- Bogan Flats Campground
- Snowmass Area
- Blanco Ranger District (East of Meeker, CO)
- Flat Tops NW
- East Marvine Campground
- Himes Peak Campground
- Marvine Campground
- South Fork Campground & Trailhead
- Trappers Lake
- Trappers Lake / Bucks Campground
- Trappers Lake / Cutthroat Campground
- Trappers Lake / Horse Thief Campground
- Trappers Lake / Shepherds Rim Campground
- Trappers Lake / Trapline Campground
- Meeker Area
- North Fork Campground
- Dillon Ranger District
- Breckenridge Area
- Frisco Area
- Heaton Bay Campground
- Peak One Campground
- Pine Cove Campground
- Green Mountain/Heeney Area
- Cataract Creek Campground
- Cow Creek North Campground
- Cow Creek South Campground
- Elliott Creek Campground
- McDonald Flats Campground
- Prairie Point Campground
- Willows Campground
- Keystone Area
- Lowry Campground
- Prospector Campground
- Silverthorne Area
- Blue River Campground
- Eagle-Holy Cross Ranger District (Vail-Eagle area)
- Eagle Area
- Fulford Cave Campground
- Yeoman Park Campground
- SE Flat Tops Area
- Deep Lake Campground
- Sweetwater Lake Campground
- Vail Area
- Camp Hale Memorial Campground
- Gold Park Campground
- Gore Creek Campground
- Halfmoon Campground
- Hornsilver Campground
- Rifle Ranger District
- SW/Central Flat Tops Area
- Meadow Lake Campground
- Meadow Ridge Campground