Logging activity along FR 4610
Date(s): Oct 29, 2024
Due to work on the Rail Timber Sale, there are logging, log hauling, and road maintenance activities occurring along Forest Service Road (FSR) 4610. Visitors are asked to be careful of large machinery working within the road prism and log trucks hauling up and down FSR 4610 near LaDee Flat OHV Area.
The north side of OHV Trail #804 will be temporarily closed for public and contractor safety during harvest activities. This closure affects the portion of the trail that intersects with FSR 4610-115. Visitors must follow all signage - do not enter areas marked as closed. The trail will remain closed through November until weather stops operations. Work will resume in spring 2025.
Reminder: LaDee Flats OHV Area closes Oct. 31 through Apr. 30 every year. Learn more by referencing the free Clackamas River Ranger District motor vehicle use map.
Substantial work has been done along FSR 4610 to replace culverts, repair and repave slumping stretches of asphalt, and reshape the gravel surface of the road over the summer. All this work is made possible through the timber sale for the benefit of the public.
Contact the Clackamas River Ranger District office for more information.