Herbicide application on Olympic National Forest


Herbicide application - The Olympic National Forest may be applying the herbicides glyphosate, clopyralid, triclopyr, aminopyralid, sulfometuron methyl, or imazapyr to noxious weeds or other invasive plant species from May 13, 2024 to November 22, 2024. Limited injection or cut stump treatments may be conducted from November 22, 2024  to  April 25, 2025.

Please see the following spreadsheet and maps for a more detail about treatment areas.

Applications will be conducted as planned in the Final EIS-Olympic National Forest Site Specific Invasive Plant Treatment Project, which was finalized in 2008. Notices indicating that the formulation of the herbicide to be applied will be posted at entrances to the target road systems and/or individual sites. For questions about applications contact Nick Jarvis, Invasive Plant Program Coordinator at (360) 956-2319.

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