Federal Regulations and Forest/Grassland Special Orders

Region-wide | Forest-wide | Wilderness restrictions | Boulder area | Fort Collins areaGreeley area | Idaho Springs area | Winter Park area


Below is a list of official Federal Prohibitions and Special Orders issued by the Rocky Mountain Regional Forester and the Forest Supervisor for the Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee National Grassland. These orders describe the prohibitions, closures, and regulations for the Forest and are subject to updates and changes.

Code of Federal Regulations: Title 36 CFR 261 Subpart A - General Prohibitions for all Forest Service Lands (.pdf, 2010 version)

Title 36 CFR 261 Subpart B - Additional prohibitions for the Rocky Mountain Region, Arapaho & Roosevelt National Forests Pawnee National Grassland and specific districts/areas designated by Special Order (.pdf format) are listed below.

Special Orders Descriptions Effective Date Termination
Region-wide Special Orders
02-96-01 Wheeled Vehicles in Wilderness 03-21-1996 until rescinded
R02-2020-04 Occupancy and Use Restrictions 12-16-2020 12-31-2024
R02-2020-05 Weed Free Forage Products 12-15-2020 12-31-2024
R02-2023-01 Explosives and Exploding Targets 01-01-2023 12-31-2024
R2-2024-02 Cave Closure and Restrictions 09-01-2024 08-31-2027
Forest- wide Special Orders
10-00-02 Boating Restrictions 04-08-1993 until rescinded
10-00-03 Motor Vehicle Travel and Developed Trails 06-10-1999 until rescinded
10-00-2010-02 Fire, Occupancy and Use 05-26-2010 until rescinded

Bridge Restrictions for Vehicles
Attach: A- Bridges List
Attach: B- Bridges Map

5-16-2013 until rescinded
ARP-2016-03 BRD/CLRD Flood Area Closures 05-25-2016 until rescinded
ARP-2016-07 Alcohol/Target Shooting Restrictions,
(Exhibit A, Map)
08-18-2016 until rescinded
ARP- 2019-02 Canyon Lakes and Clear Creek Ranger District Shooting Restrictions 02-28-2019 until rescinded
ARP-2024-02 Forest Camping Stay Limit 05-24-2024 05-23-2029
ARP-2024-03 05-24-2024 05-23-2029
ARP-2024-04 Food and Refuse Storage Order & Map 05-24-2024 05-23-2029
Wilderness Restrictions by area
10-00-07 Indian Peaks Wilderness (Boulder & Sulphur Ranger Districts) 06-23-1998 until rescinded
10-01-2012-03 James Peak Wilderness, (Map) (Boulder & Clear Creek Ranger Districts) 07-30-2012 until rescinded
ARP-CLRD-2022-02 05-05-2022 until rescinded
02-12-00-24-29 Mount Evans Wilderness (Clear Creek Ranger District) 09-21-2024 12-31-2028
10-00-10 Byers Peak Wilderness (Sulphur Ranger District) 11-21-1995 until rescinded
10-00-09 Vasquez Wilderness (Sulphur Ranger District) 11-21-1995 until rescinded
10-00-06 Never Summer Wilderness (Sulphur Ranger District) 04-08-1993 until rescinded
  See also Regional wheeled vehicle closure order    
Boulder Ranger District (west of Boulder, CO)
Wilderness * See Wilderness restrictions section for information on Indian Peaks & James Peak Wilderness Closure Orders    
10-01-2012-09 Former Allenspark Dump shooting closure, (Map) 12-12-2012 until rescinded
10-01-2012-10 Left Hand Slot Canyon Shooting Closure, (Map) 12-10-2012 until rescinded
10-01-2012-11 South Nederland Shooting Closure, (Map) 12-19-2012 until rescinded
10-01-2013-01 Brainard Lake Recreation Area, (Map) 03-29-2013 until rescinded
ARP-BRD-2016-02 Flood Related Shooting Closure (Map) 03-03-2016 until rescinded
ARP-BRD-2020-03 Nederland Area Day Use and Campfires Order and Map 09-18-2020 09-18-2025
ARP-BRD-2022-01 Rainbow Lakes Road and Ceran Saint Vrain No Camping Order and Map 05-03-2022 05-11-2026
ARP-BRD-2022-02 Magnolia Area Over Snow Vehicle Restrictions and Map 05-03-2022 until rescinded
ARP-BRD-2023-02 Winiger Ridge/68J Designated Dispersed Camping Order & Map 05-12-2023 05-12-2028
ARP-BRD-2024-02 Caribou Road Closure & Map 08-23-2024 11-30-2025
Canyon Lakes Ranger District (west of Fort Collins, CO)
Wilderness * See Wilderness restrictions  section for information on Rawah, Comanche Peak, Neota, & Cache la Poudre Wildernesses Closure Orders    
10-04-01 Ram’s Horn, (Map) 06-12-1995 until rescinded
10-05-01 Dowdy Lake Campground, (Map) 04-08-1993 until rescinded
10-05-03 North Weber Area, (Map) 04-08-1993 until rescinded
10-05-07 Lost Lake/ Laramie Lake/ Twin Lakes 06-12-1995 until rescinded
ARP-CLRD-2013-01 Occupancy and Use (Camping, Fires, Motorboats)
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
05-31-2013 until rescinded
ARP-CLRD-2013-03 Occupancy and Use -Trails
Exhibit A
Exhibit B
05-31-2013 until rescinded
ARP-CLRD-2016-02 Lookout Tower Road Closure,
09-15-2016 until rescinded
ARP-CLRD-2024-01 Raptor Closure Order & Map 03-05-2024 07-31-2025
ARP-CLRD-2024-08 Cameron Peak Fire Closure Order & Map 09-27-2024 11-30-2025
Clear Creek Ranger District (Idaho Springs, CO)
Wilderness *  See Wilderness restrictions apply for information on  Mt. Evans & James Peak Wilderness Closure Orders    
10-07-05 Bakerville to Loveland Trail  11-23-1998 until rescinded
10-07-07 Motor Vehicle Travel at Loveland & Berthoud Pass Ski Areas 01-23-2002 until rescinded
10-07-2012-01 Beaver Brook, (Map) 02-22-2012 until rescinded
10-07-2012-02 Berthoud Pass Sledding & Tubing Closure, (Map) 12-10-2012 until rescinded
ARP-CCRD-2014-01 West Chicago/Hefferman Gulch - Camping/Fires Closure, (Map) 05-19-2014 until rescinded
ARP-CCRD-2015-01 Colo Hwy 103 Camping/Fires/Night Closure, (Map) 04-16-2015 until rescinded
ARP-CCRD-2015-02 Columbine Road Area Camping/Fires/Night Closure, (Map) 06-04-2015 until rescinded

Santiago Mill, (Map)

01-01-2023 12-31-2024
ARP-CCRD-2015-04 Barbour Fork/Soda Creek Road, (Map) 08-04-2015 until rescinded
ARP-CCRD-2021-01 Maxwell Falls and Cub Creek Occupancy and Use Restrictions and Map 05-11-2021 05-11-2026
ARP-CCRD-2023-02 Guanella Pass & Map 01-01-2024 12-31-2028
ARP-CCRD-2024-01 Devil's Nose Forest Order & Map 07-01-2024 06-30-2025
Pawnee National Grassland (NE of Greeley, CO)
10-06-01 Crow Valley Recreation Area, Map 03-15-1999 until rescinded
10-06-04 Main Off Highway Vehicle (OHV) Area, Map 03-15-1999 until rescinded
10-06-2012-02 Shooting Closure, (Closure Area Map) 12-10-2012 until rescinded
ARP-PNG-2014-01 Road and Area  Closure around Baker Draw Designated Shooting Area
12-09-2013 until rescinded
ARP-PNG-2015-01 Forest Service Road 96, (Map) 12-04-2012 until rescinded
ARP-PNG-2015-02 Closure of Portion of Forest System Road 96 (east of Baker Draw Designated Shooting Area) Map 02-25-2015 until rescinded
ARP-PNG-2015-03 NFSR 219 – Coal Road Closure, (Map) 04-24-2015 until rescinded
ARP-PNG-2024-01 NFS Road 500 Motor Vehicle Prohibition & Map 12-04-2024 11-26-2026
Sulphur Ranger District (near Winter Park & Granby, CO)
Wilderness *See Wilderness restrictions section for information on Byer's Peak, Vasquez, & Never Summer Wilderness Closure Orders    
10-08-01 Arapaho National Recreation Area 11-21-1995 until rescinded
10-08-03 Mineral Point 07-25-2001 until rescinded
10-08-04 Big Meadows/ Doe Creek Drainage 06-23-1998 until rescinded
10-08-0302 Undesignated Snow Play Area 11-26-2002 until rescinded
10-08-2011-01 James Peak Protect/Special Interest Areas, (Map) 03-22-2011 until rescinded
ARP-SRD-2015-01 12-03-2015 until rescinded
ARP-SRD-2016-02 Cabin Creek Road Temporary Closure, (Map) 08-12-2016 until rescinded
ARP-SRD-2019-02 Prohibiting Use of Bicycle on Trails Not Designated 07-12-2019 12-31-2024
ARP-SRD-2020-12 Winter Park Resort Closure Area and Map 11-30-2020 11-30-2025
ARP-SRD-2022-01 Vasquez and Little Vasquez No Camping Order and Map 05-03-2022 05-11-2026
ARP-SRD-2023-07 Muddy Creek Bridge Closure & Map 08-06-2023 08-06-2028
ARP-SRD-2024-01 Williams Fork Closure Order & Map 06-15-2024 11-15-2024
ARP-SRD-2024-02 East Troublesome Closure & Map 06-15-2024 11-15-2024