Events & Weddings
Group events, gatherings, weddings, elopements, and other group activities are allowed on Arapaho and Roosevelt National Forests and Pawnee National Grassland. We implement regulations around group events to prevent resource damage and promote multiple use.
Events may require a permit depending on group size, location, and other factors. Additionally, photographers, caterers, and other businesses involved may need various permits depending on the situation.
With such a wide array of events on the Forest, ranging from concerts to weddings and elopements, it's best to look at your event in the terms that we use to decide if you need a permit.
Group use vs. non group use – Group use events require a permit. An event is considered group use when it is conducted on National Forest Systems lands and involves a group of 75 or more people either as participants or spectators. If your event is group use, you can stop here and Contact us to start the permit process. If your event has less than 75 people, the next step is determining if your event is commercial or non-commercial.
Commercial vs. non-commercial – Commercial events require a permit. An event is considered commercial use when an applicant intends to charge an entry or participation fee, or the primary purpose is the sale of a good or service, regardless of the intent to produce a profit. Money collected may cover expense categories, such as food, transportation, prizes, advertising, purchase replacement of equipment, or compensation for the leader of the activity. If your event is commercial, you can stop here and Contact us to start the permit process.
Events are considered non-commercial if the fees charged are used only for the purpose of paying for actual expenses directly related to operating or staging the activity, with any excess funds returned to participants. The fees charged should not include costs for employees or personnel who stage or run the event.
Location – If you would like to have your wedding, elopement, or other event in Congressionally designated areas like Arapaho National Recreation Area (ANRA), Cache La Poudre, Wilderness areas and other protected areas, you may need a permit. Contact us. Group size will be restricted in Wilderness. Events and weddings are not allowed and will not be permitted along Highway 5 or at developed sites on Mount Evans.
Resource damage risk – Events involving props of any kind require a permit and come with other restrictions. Events without props may still risk causing resource damage depending on group size and location. Contact us to determine if your event risks causing resource damage. For example: Props like hay bales shall be certified as weed free to prevent the spread of weed infestation and the spread of existing weeds.
If you believe your event does not require a permit but you have general questions about permits, please contact us.
Please visit Temporary Outfitter/Guide & Recreation Events
6 months - 1 year
For photography questions, please visit Filming & Photography.
Props typically require a permit. Contact us.
Guidelines vary for designated gathering sites, like group campsites, and your event may not be possible at all sites. You must make the necessary arrangements to reserve the site if required and follow all guidelines for that site.
Group campsites are developed to accommodate high use. So, if your event doesn’t exceed 75 people or the maximum occupancy for the site and has no risk of causing resource damage, then caterers and chair deliveries are considered part of the non-commercial group use activity at the site and don’t require a permit. If your event involves over 75 people, and the site allows for it, then a permit is needed. For businesses, there can’t be building of a business, advertising, or soliciting future business involved on site. We may issue a permit for companies doing repeat business on National Forest lands. Contact us.