Equipment And Safety Needs
Afternoon thundershowers occur frequently over the mountains during the summer. Temperatures can drop drastically. Wool/silk and some synthetics will keep you warm, even when wet. Cotton next to your body will actually take heat away and make you colder. A trash bag can be used as a rain coat. A helmet will keep your head cool in the heat and help hold some warmth in the cold. At high elevations most people sunburn much faster; a cap and sun screen are essential. Sun glasses protect eyes from both sun and dust. A handkerchief over the nose can help when the air is very dusty.
First Aid
A pocket sized first aid kit comes in handy for scrapes and bruises.
Helmet, Pads
Traction on forest roads and trails is quite different from pavement, particularly when going downhill. Protect your head.
Matches in a waterproof container and a knife are always a good idea in the backcountry.
Buddy System
Do not travel alone - always take someone with you. If one person becomes hurt the other person can apply first aid and seek help. If you can't take someone with you, be sure to tell someone where you are going and when you will be back.
It is sometimes difficult to hear oncoming traffic when you're riding downhill. Be careful, particularly around curves.
Bike Repair
Be prepared to perform minor repairs on your bicycle - most importantly, be able to change a flat or fix a chain. Take along the right tools. For example bring a chain tool, pump, a tire repair kit and the tools needed to take off the wheels.
Bring a lot of water - more than you think you will need - or bring materials to treat stream water.
Please stay on designated trails to avoid trampling native vegetation and minimize potential erosion to trails by not using muddy trails or short-cutting switchbacks. Please don't disturb the wildlife. Thank you!