Geocaching on National Forest


  • Geocaching:  is an activity where participants seek out locations or hidden containers, called "caches", using a variety of methods and clues that may include GPS (global positioning systems) other navigational aids.   A typical cache may include a memento or prize, or be a waterproof container containing a logbook where the “Geocacher” or locator enters the date they found it. 
  • Geocaching is often described as a "game of high-tech hide and seek," sharing many aspects of orienteering or treasure hunting.
  • Geocaching is not permitted in congressionally designated Wilderness Areas per FSM 2320, or in any other nationally designated areas such as national scenic areas, historic or scenic trails.
  • Geocaching is permissible in all other General Forest Areas provided there is no natural resource damage or vandalism to government facilities.
  • Geocaching is not permitted within areas designated as national historic landmarks, sites, or pre-historic sites.
  • When Geocaching, natural resources are not to be disturbed, nor are they allowed to be removed from NFS lands. That includes soil disturbance/digging, removal of vegetation, disturbance of natural features, etc.  Avoid sensitive areas like wetlands or streams.
  • When Geocaching, historical artifacts or features are not to be disturbed or removed. 
  • Geocaching shall not interfere with other permitted activities such as outfitter and guide designated campsites.
  • When Geocaching, motorized vehicle use and parking shall be in compliance with Colville National Forest travel regulations and Motor Vehicle Use Maps. 
  • Geocaching via horseback is not permitted in developed recreation sites other than those designated for equestrian use.
  • Geocachers are not required to have a permit provided that they are in-compliance with all other FS regulations and policy concerning group size and fees.
  • Please label Geocaches as such to avoid any confusion or safety concerns.