Forest for Every Classroom

Upcoming Forest For Every Classroom Workshop Details

10 min video on FFEC

Stay tuned for information on Forest For Every Classroom 2025!

Teachers participate in Forest for Every Classroom workshop


Across the nation, both formal and non-formal educators are finding that rooting their educational programming deeply in the local community, both physically and thematically, is an effective strategy for achieving high priority goals. Whether in schools, parks, forests or on the Appalachian Trail, as participants have become actively engaged in studying and responsibly addressing relevant local issues, the results have included higher levels of student engagement, stronger community support for education and conservation, and student civic engagement.



What is a Forest For Every Classroom?


 Forest For Every Classroom Teachers participate in Forest for Every Classroom workshop

A Forest For Every Classroom (FFEC) is a place-based service learning program led by educators both within their schools and beyond. It enables K-12 teachers to transform traditional classroom teaching into highly effective and exciting learning opportunities in the outdoors, using the local community and environment as a starting point to teach curricular content in language arts, math, social studies, science and other subjects. The FFEC program emphasizes hands-on, real world learning experiences.

Through a FREE workshop in the beautiful north Georgia mountains, teachers develop curriculum that increases student literacy skills and fosters student understanding of lands in their communities. Curricula integrate hands-on study of natural and cultural resources, addressing concepts in ecology, sense of place, land management and stewardship, and civics.

Forest For Every Classroom Educator Workshop 

  • Hands-on sessions presented by experts.
  • Standards-based curriculum development and grade-level expectation support.
  • Instruction and case studies on the Principles and Best Practices of Place-Based Service Learning.
  • Fun, age-appropriate learning opportunities that translate knowledge into effective, relevant experiences for your students.
  • Curricula and resource materials.
  • A network of educators and resource specialists.
  • Extended support and follow-up through alumni training events.

Course Objectives:

  • Participants will view public lands, from pocket parks to national forests, as valuable teaching resources within their communities;
  • Participants will work toward developing quality Place-Based Service-Learning curriculum units;
  • Participants will learn to work with community partners to engage students in authentic community-based learning.

Course Content:

The FFEC workshop offers interactive exploration of Place-based Service-Learning fundamentals. Successful case studies will be used to illustrate best practices. Resource experts in several topic areas will present sessions at the workshop and in the classroom.

By using an interdisciplinary approach grounded in place-based examples, teachers develop in their students deep problem-identification and problem-solving techniques, critical thinking, and other 21st century skills. The use of overarching concepts, or “big ideas,” through the lens of place can help your lessons, units, or program connect with issues that are meaningful and relevant to students and communities.

This approach is helpful in the age of standardized instruction and assessment because, in standards-based curriculum design, teachers target particular standards and align them with instruction and assessment.

*Administrator support IS REQUIRED

Teachers participate in Forest for Every Classroom workshop

Teachers participate in Forest for Every Classroom workshop

Place-Based Service Learning

  • Problem solving in real-world situations; service; action- research
  • Integrated conceptual learning across disciplines
  • 21st Century Skills – teamwork, speaking, presenting, technology
  • College and career readiness
  • Literacy across the disciplines
  • Research and inquiry
  • Equity and inclusion

Common Core State Standards

  • Application of knowledge
  • Learning across disciplines
  • Core conceptual understandings
  • 21st Century Skills
  • College and career readiness
  • Reading and listening, discussing, explaining, writing, representing, and presenting
  • Inclusion – ELL/ESL, Students with disabilities (differences)


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Founding Partners

Appalachian Trail Conservancy

Georgia Appalachian Trail Club

Georgia Mountain Research and Education Center

Greening Youth Foundation

U.S. Forest Service - Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests


 Sponsoring organizations for NextGen Forest Ambassadors