Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM)

Overview ~ Motor Vehicle Use Maps ~ FAQs

Travel Management

In 2011, a Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision was completed by the Deschutes and Ochoco National Forest.  Click here to learn all about the project.


Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) are the official maps for designating all roads and trails available for public motorized travel on the Deschutes & Ochoco National Forests and the Crooked River National Grassland. Visitors should not rely on any other maps for making decisions about motorized travel.

The MVUMs display National Forest System (NFS) routes (roads and trails) designated as open to motorized travel.  The MVUMs also display allowed uses by vehicle class (ex. highway-legal vehicles, vehicles 50 inches in width or less and motorcycles); seasonal allowances, off route travel distance allowances, and provides information on other travel rules and regulations.    

Routes not shown on the MVUMs are not open to public motor vehicle travel. Routes designated for motorized use may not always be signed on the ground but will be identified on the MVUMs. It is the traveler’s responsibility to reference the MVUMs and stay on designated routes for motor vehicle use.

The MVUMs are black and white maps with no topographic features. They display legal designations of where you can travel with various motorized vehicles, but, for additional information, they are best used in conjunction with a Forest Visitor Map or other detailed map.

The MVUMs are free to the public at local Ranger District and Station offices and at the Forest Headquarters' Offices. The MVUMs are also available on this web page.

Click here to read the Record of Decision & FEIS.

Motor Vehicle Use Maps

Free Adobe Reader is required to view these maps. Please note, maps may be very large: be patient when downloading.

If you print a portion of a MVUM on a typical home printer, please also print the PDF document, 'Legend & Map Information', as it applies to all MVUMs below, and the PDF document, 'Tables', for each MVUM to aid in understanding of the MVUM. Please see the 'How do I print the MVUM?' for additional information.

Deschutes Motor Vehicle Use Maps


Motor Vehicle Use Maps and Off-Highway Vehicle Use 

For general information about Central Oregon's OHV information, please go to this link.

To find what Motor Vehicle Use Maps are associated with OHV use areas, please go to this link.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I get a MVUM?

Maps are posted on this website and paper copies of these maps are available free of charge at all of our local Forest Services Offices. Click here for a list of the offices with address and phone numbers. Other partners and distribution locations may be developed over time to help disseminate maps.

Can I use the MVUMs with my mobile device?

IOS Device Use IconYou can take the Deschutes & Ochoco National Forest MVUMs with you on your mobile device (iOS or Android).  This handy free app,, allows GPS equipped mobile devices to:

  • View your location on the PDF MVUM using the built-in GPS device
  • Measure distances and areas
  • Plot waypoints
  • View maps offline
  • And more

The above link does not imply an endorsement by the US Government of the product offered.  It is merely offered as a convenience for users who may wish to install a free application on their smartphone.  For more information please see

How do I print a MVUM?

A full-size version of the MVUM is 36” x 44” and cannot be printed on conventional home printers. A full-size version can only be printed from a large plotter. Many local copy shops, engineering and survey businesses can print the map.

To be readable, only a portion of the MVUM can be printed on 8 ½” x 11” paper using home printers. With PDF viewers/readers, such as Adobe Acrobat Reader, you can use the “Print Current View” function to print the view on your screen.

If you print a portion of a MVUM on a typical home printer, please also print the Legend (applies to all MVUMs) and the Tables for the MVUM to aid in interpretation of the MVUM.

Screen capture of Printer dialog box

What does a MVUM show me?

The map displays all National Forest System roads and trails allowing public motor vehicle use. This is commonly referred to as designation. It also states that driving off designated roads and trails is prohibited (36 CFR 261.13).

Motorized use includes but is not limited to all highway-legal and Class I, II, III, VI vehicles..

Designation details include vehicle class, time of year, and motorized access for the purpose of dispersed camping (camping in locations other than developed campgrounds).

Limited motor vehicle access may occur on routes not shown on the MVUM for the purpose of administrative access by Forest Service personnel; for fire and law enforcement; for emergency purposes; and by persons authorized by a written special use permit or contract from the Forest Service.

Is there any place I can still ride cross-country?

Yes, there are 45 cinder and/or rock pits that are designated as areas where you can travel cross-country.  You will find these areas on the MVUM.

Does a MVUM also show non-motorized trails and over-snow vehicle uses?

No, a visitor map or snowmobile map will provide information on over-snow and non-motorized routes, including mechanized trails, hiking, and horse trails. Over-snow vehicle use is exempted from designations on the MVUM.

Are there road and trail route marker signs on the ground?

In most cases, a route marker exists at the entrance of the road or trail. We intend to complete installation for all roads and trails as soon as possible. Routes designated for motorized uses will be identified on the MVUMs. The MVUMs are an enforcement tool to ensure individuals are on the correct route.

It is the responsibility of the user to determine if they are on a route designated for the motor vehicle being used. MVUMs will be developed for each forest nationwide. It is not only a tool for motorized users, but also a consistent and standardized law enforcement tool.

After MVUMs are available to the public in map form and on the web, what will be the USFS enforcement strategy?

When new regulations are posted, the Forest Service provides some time to educate the public about the specifics of the regulation. A law enforcement officer contact with the public is a great opportunity to provide information education and create awareness about what information the MVUM conveys. However, law enforcement officers can issue a notice of violation anytime after the MVUM is publicly available.

You can help us maintain this system and keep these opportunities open to all motorized users by letting us know when other users abuse their privilege and travel on routes closed to motorized use by calling any of the offices listed above.