What's Happening on the Dixie National Forest?

Mountain landscape

Current Stories

  • A Matter of a Pinyon

    A red and gray woodpecker is at the top of a juniper tree, and two birds fly overhead.

    November 29, 2023 - Research scientists and land managers work together to study impacts of fuels treatments on southern Utah woodlands

  • Planting Seeds of Prevention

    A closeup of fingers sifting through a tray full of a rangeland seed mix.

    October 10, 2023 - Utah state wildlife program makes custom seed mixes to restore habitat in fuel breaks on the Dixie National Forest.

September 7, 2023 - The Downstream Effects of Wildfire

August 1, 2023 - On the Dixie, Fighting a Wildfire Before It Burns

July 5, 2023Protecting southern Utah communities from the growing risk of wildfire

Archived Stories

2022 - Mud Springs Wildlife Habitat Improvement work continues

2022 - Wildlife biologists working to strengthen Colorado River Cutthroat trout

2021 - Dixie NF host Ribbon Cutting Ceremony for new office

2020 - Captive bred Boreal Toads released on Paunsaugunt Plateau for second year


Dixie National Forest Video Archive

Learn more about the Dixie National Forest 

Official News Releases

Additional Reading

Intermountain Region Stories - Find out what is happening throughout the Intermountain Region which covers 12 forests and 30 million acres in southern Idaho, western Wyoming, Utah, Nevada and a sliver of California. These stories cover a wide range of topics including project work, successes, partnerships, history and culture, employees, and recreation opportunities.