Draft Revised Forest Plan and DEIS

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On August 13, 2021, we published the Draft Forest Plan and Draft Environmental Impact Statement. This publication initiated the formal draft comment period. The comment period was extended by 14 days and the final day was November 26, 2021. The comment period is now closed.

The planning team responded to approximately 5,000 substantive, unique comments from a total of approximately 8,000 comment letters submitted, 1,000 of which were unique letters (neither forms nor duplicates). Most letters came from the immediate planning area and the state of Colorado, though some were submitted from across the U.S

All documents and materials provided on this page will remain here as archived versions of the Draft Plan and DEIS documents and are posted here for reference only.

Following the 2021 publication of the draft plan, the GMUG National Forests with the National Forest Foundation hosted a series of virtual webinars and open houses to provide an orientation to the draft documents and to host community conversations. Recordings of these sessions are available below.

Links to webinar recordings

Links to open house recordings

Wildlife Q&A session

Use the links below to navigate to the document or map you're interested in viewing.

*NOTE: The following Storymaps and FAQs are supplemental materials, not required. We provided FAQs in response to common public questions during the comment period.*

*The Geographic Area maps below provide a zoomed-in view of smaller, discrete areas on the forest: the Uncompahgre Plateau, the Grand Mesa, etc. 

Management area maps and GIS data

Alternative A Forestwide

Alternative A Geographic Area

Alternative B Forestwide

Alternative B Geographic Area

Alternative C Forestwide

Alternative C Geographic Area

Alternative D Forestwide

Alternative D Geographic Area

Wilderness Management Area

***Downloadable Management Area GIS data***

***Downloadable Management Area Overlays GIS data***

***Downloadable Continental Divide National Scenic Trail GIS data*** - also part of the overlay data, above

Scenic Integrity Objective (SIO) maps and GIS data 

Alternative A Forestwide

Alternative B Forestwide

Alternative C Forestwide

Alternative D Forestwide

*** Downloadable Scenic Integrity Objective GIS data***

Summer Recreation Opportunity Spectrum maps and GIS data

Existing Inventory Forestwide

Existing Inventory Geographic Area

Alternative B Forestwide

Alternative B Geographic Area

Alternative C Forestwide

Alternative C Geographic Area

Alternative D Forestwide

Alternative D Geographic Area

***Downloadable Summer and Winter ROS GIS data***

Winter Recreation Opportunity Spectrum maps and GIS data

Existing Inventory Forestwide

Existing Inventory Geographic Area

Alternative B Forestwide

Alternative B Geographic Area

Alternative C Forestwide

Alternative C Geographic Area

Alternative D Forestwide

Alternative D Geographic Area

***Downloadable Summer and Winter ROS GIS data***

Existing Winter Travel Management


Timber Suitability maps and GIS data

Alternative A Forestwide

Alternative A Geographic Area

Alternative B Forestwide

Alternative B Geographic Area

Alternative C Forestwide

Alternative C Geographic Area

Alternative D Forestwide

Alternative D Geographic Area

***Downloadable Timber Suitability GIS data***


Key Contacts

Please contact us:


Review Objections and Comments:

Reading Room

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