More about geospatial PDF's and mobile devices
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What are geospatial PDF’s?
Geospatial PDFs have geo-referenced location information like latitude and longitude coordinates embedded in them.
How do I use geospatial PDF’s?
- You can download the PDF to your mobile device (smartphone or tablet) which has a built-in GPS so you can track your location on the map, plot and record information about locations, import and export place marks, as well as measuring distance and area.
- Some GPS devices such as Garmins can use geospatial PDFs as well.
How do I download the geospatial PDFs?
- Download & install an app that reads geospatial PDFs
- PDF Maps by Avenza is available for both iOS and Android (installations tips - print)
- Look here: for features and instructions
- Geo-referenced MVUM maps are a free download, other geo-referenced maps (trail maps, National Forest Visitor Maps) will have a fee for the download.
- Stay the Trail has MVUM maps for all National Forests in Colorado and MVUM maps in kmz format for use in Google Earth and instructions for creating custom MVUM maps for use in Garmin GPS units and Android phones.
- You can also view the geolocation information using applications like Adobe Reader on your computer
- Instructions for moving geo-referenced PDF maps created in GIS from your PC to your iPad for use in Avenza PDF Maps
- Instructions for moving PDF maps onto Smartphones and tablets
What geo-referenced maps are currently available for the GMUG National Forest?
The following geo-referenced GMUG National Forest maps are currently available for download. More geo-referenced maps will be available in the future.
- The most current GMUG Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUMs) are free and available on this website, through Avenza or Stay the Trail. If you register with Avenza, you will be advise when updates occur.
- A few selected geo-referenced trail maps are available here.
Know before you go?
Prepare for no cell coverage or electricity.
You can't count on having cell coverage, WiFi or electricity on the Forest. We recommend having your geospatial PDF map reading app installed and maps downloaded BEFORE heading out. Safe journey!