Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM)

Visitors to the Hiawatha National Forest will find a wide variety of roads and trails designated open for motorized use. In fact, over 2,000 miles of Forest Road are open for motorized use.

Motorized use allowed on each National Forest is documented through the Motor Vehicle Use Mapping (MVUM) process.

map of the Hiawatha Forest, showing each of the districts. Decorative.

Motor Vehicle Use Maps: PDF, Print, or Mobile Versions:

Download Motor Vehicle Usae Maps as a PDF

Download each MVUM or click the links below:

  • Munising (pdf)
  • West Rapid River/Manistique (pdf)
  • East Sault Ste Marie/St Ignace
    • Sault Ste Marie (pdf)
    • St. Ignace (pdf)

Request a Print Copy

You can view these maps online, but because they are very large you may want to obtain a printed copy for field use. Copies are available at our Ranger District offices. The maps are updated annually, so remember to get a new map each autumn!

​**Due to popular demand, our current stock of printed MVUMS has been depleted and they are not currently available at Ranger District Offices. The maps are being updated and reprinted, and we are awaiting their delivery. Digital copies are still available. Thank you for your patience!**

Download Mobile Motor Vehicle Use Maps 

Avenza Maps® is a mobile map app that allows you to download maps for offline use on iOS or Android smartphone or tablet, use your device’s built-in GPS to track your location on any map, plot locations and photos, measure distance and area, and more. If you have the Avenza® App on your digital device, you can download the Hiawatha's MVUM maps for use on Avenza®. 

Where Can I Ride?

You can determine where to ride a given type of motorized vehicle by consulting the Hiawatha’s Motor Vehicle Use Map (MVUM). There are three maps which together document the designated motorized use transportation system (by vehicle type and season) on the Hiawatha’s three Ranger Districts.

In addition, maps are available for the two designated OHV trails, the Coalwood Grade and the Haywire Grade OHV Trails.

Rules of the Road/Trail on the Hiawatha

  1. Cross country travel off the designated routes is prohibited. For example, on National Forest Land, you may not ride cross country to retrieve your deer. (This has been policy since 1986.)
  2. Coalwood and Haywire OHV Trails are dedicated to OHV use.
  3. The Motorized Vehicle Use Maps guide which roads you may use. The maps delineate use by motorized vehicle type, including seasonal restrictions. For instance, some motorized routes are open to all motorized vehicle and some are open only to automobiles.
  4. Travel on County roads is guided by County ordinance.
  5. OHVs must travel single file on the edge of the travel way, but NOT in the ditch.
  6. Maximum speed for OHVs is 25 miles per hour.

For More Information

Interested in learning more about Motor Vehicle Use Mapping? Check out the following links for background and details about the MVUM process on the Hiawatha.

Other Links

Travel Management & Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Program
Department of Natural Resources ORV/ATVs in Michigan Website

Places to Get Maps