Heavenly Epic Discovery Project

The Heavenly Mountain Resort Epic Discovery Project is a joint project by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region (LWQCB).

The Epic Discovery Project is intended to enhance summer activities in response to the USDA Forest Service Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2011. Heavenly proposes to improve year round recreation opportunities within the developed portions of the ski area on National Forest System lands using existing facilities and infrastructure to meet the expanding needs and expectations of visitors to Lake Tahoe, better support the year-round local economy of the South Lake Tahoe area, and connect a diverse group of visitors to our national forest with recreation and educational opportunities to further inspire passion and excitement for the outdoors. The summer activities are designed to suit a wide range of visitors from the casual sightseer to the avid mountain adventurer. A key component of the project proposal is a unique and comprehensive environmental education and interpretive component that is woven into the entire experience. The Project EIS/EIS/EIR will use information taken where appropriate from the Heavenly Mountain Resort Master Plan Amendment Final TRPA Governing Board will use the EIS/EIS/EIR certified in 2007. The TRPA Governing Board will use the EIS/EIS/EIR when they consider the amendment of the existing Ski Area Master Plan (that is also considered an amendment to the Regional Plan) to add the Epic Discovery projects.