Heavenly Epic Discovery Project
The Heavenly Mountain Resort Epic Discovery Project is a joint project by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency (TRPA), the Lake Tahoe Basin Management Unit (LTBMU) and the California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Lahontan Region (LWQCB).
- Heavenly Mountain Resort Epic Discovery Project Objection Period Cover Letter - Feb. 19, 2015
(PDF 141 KB)
- Final EIR/EIS/EIS Volume I
- Cover page
(PDF 1,767 KB) - Table of Contents
(PDF 122 KB) - Executive Summary
(PDF 1,589 KB) - Chapter 1.0 - Introduction and Purpose and Need
(PDF 2,147 KB) - Chapter 2.0 - Proposed Action & Alternatives
(PDF 18,533 KB) - Chapter 3.1 - Water Resources: Hydrology, Water Quality and Cumulative Watershed Effects
(PDF 5,167 KB) - Chapter 3.2 - Stream Environments Aones and Jurisdictional Waters and Wetlands
(PDF 61 KB) - Chapter 3.3 - Water Use, Water Rights and Groundwater
(PDF 69 KB) - Chapter 3.4 - Geology and Soils
(PDF 5,187 KB) - Chapter 3.5 - Air Quality & Greenhouse Gases/Climate Change
- (PDF 1,001 KB)
- Chapter 3.6 - Noise
(PDF 330 KB) - Chapter 3.7 - Transportation, Parking and Circulation
(PDF 3,893 KB) - Chapter 3.8 Vegetation
(PDF 2,729 KB) - Chapter 3.9 - Wildlife and Fisheries
(PDF 18,702 KB) - Chapter 3.10 - Visual Resources
(PDF 5,863 KB) - Chapter 3.11 Cultural Resources
(PDF 1,179 KB) - Chapter 3.12 Land Use
- (PDF 238 KB)
- Chapter 3.13 - Recreation
(PDF 2,416 KB) - Chapter 3.14 Socioeconomics
(PDF 87 KB) - Chapter 4.0 Mandated Environmental Analysis
(PDF 135 KB) - Chapter 5.0 Mitigation & Monitoring Plan
(PDF 11,376 KB) - Chapter 6.0 Agency Contacts, Preparers of the Document and References
(PDF 177 KB) - Appendices
- Appendix 1-A Scoping Summary Report
(PDF 308 KB) - Appendix 2-A Adventure Peak Plans
(PDF 4,026 KB) - Appendix 2-B East Peak Lake Basin Plans
(PDF 17,359 KB) - Appendix 2-C Sky Meadows Basin Plans
(PDF 11,180 KB) - Appendix 3.1-A Water Quality Compliance Data
(PDF 112 KB) - Appendix 3.1-B Heavenly Valley Creek Bioassessment Monitoring Data
(PDF 174 KB) - Appendix 3.1-C BMP Effectiveness Monitoring
(PDF 205 KB) - Appendix 3.1-D Revised CWE Restoration Program
(PDF 464 KB) - Appendix 3.1-E Cumulative Watershed Effects Modeling
(PDF 267 KB) - Appendix 3.1-F Sky Basin (Watershed CA-1) Erosion Assessment
(PDF 7,992 KB) - Appendix 3.1-G Mott Canyon (Watershed NV-1) Erosion Assessment
(PDF 8,234 KB) - Appendix 3.5-A Air Quality Modeling Tables
(PDF 197 KB) - Appendix 3.6-A Noise Terminology and Modeling Tables
(PDF 353 KB) - Appendix 3.7-A Transportation Data/Modeling Tables
(PDF 1,026 KB) - Appendix 13.3-A Forest Service Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act (SAROEA) Consistency Review
(PDF 103 KB)
- Appendix 1-A Scoping Summary Report
- Cover page
- Cover page
(PDF 1,766 KB) - Table of Contents
(PDF 77 KB) - Executive Summary
(PDF 1,591 KB) - Chapter 1.0 - Introduction and Purpose and Need
(PDF 2,696 KB) - Chapter 2.0 - Proposed Action & Alternatives
(PDF 10,888 KB) - Chapter 3.01 - Water Resources: Hydrology, Water Quality and Cumulative Watershed Effects
(PDF 5,142 KB) - Chapter 3.02 - Stream Environments Aones and Jurisdictional Waters and Wetlands
(PDF 60 KB) - Chapter 3.03 - Water Use, Water Rights and Groundwater
(PDF 68 KB) - Chapter 3.04 - Geology and Soils
(PDF 2,020 KB) - Chapter 3.04-1 - Soils Figure Insert
(PDF 4,007 KB) - Chapter 3.05 - Air Quality & Greenhouse Gases/Climate Change
(PDF 2,197 KB) - Chapter 3.06 - Noise
(PDF 329 KB) - Chapter 3.07 - Transportation, Parking and Circulation
(PDF 3,888 KB) - Chapter 3.08 Vegetation
(PDF 563 KB) - Chapter 3.09 - Wildlife and Fisheries
(PDF 581 KB) - Chapter 3.10 - Visual Resources
(PDF 5,851 KB) - Chapter 3.11 Cultural Resources
(PDF 237 KB) - Chapter 3.11-1 - Cultural Resource Figure Insert
(PDF 1,329 KB) - Chapter 3.12 Land Use
(PDF 242 KB) - Chapter 3.13 - Recreation
(PDF 2,449 KB) - Chapter 3.14 Socioeconomics
(PDF 85 KB) - Chapter 4.0 Mandated Environmental Analysis
(PDF 133 KB) - Chapter 5.0 Mitigation & Monitoring Plan
(PDF 6,494 KB) - Chapter 6.0 Agency Contacts, Preparers of the Document and References
(PDF 176 KB) - Notice of Availability/Notice of Comment Period of a Draft EIR/EIS/EIS for Public Review and Hearings
(PDF 449 KB) - Appendices
- Appendix 1-A Scoping Summary Report
(PDF 303 KB) - Appendix 2-A Adventure Peak Plans
(PDF 4,021 KB) - Appendix 2-B East Peak Lake Basin Plans
(PDF 17,354 KB) - Appendix 2-C Sky Meadows Basin Plans
(PDF 11,176 KB) - Appendix 3.1-A Water Quality Compliance Data
(PDF 108 KB) - Appendix 3.1-B Heavenly Valley Creek Bioassessment Monitoring Data
(PDF 169 KB) - Appendix 3.1-C BMP Effectiveness Monitoring
(PDF 200 KB) - Appendix 3.1-D Revised CWE Restoration Program
(PDF 459 KB) - Appendix 3.1-E Cumulative Watershed Effects Modeling
(PDF 262 KB) - Appendix 3.1-F Sky Basin (Watershed CA-1) Erosion Assessment
(PDF 7,987 KB) - Appendix 3.1-G Mott Canyon (Watershed NV-1) Erosion Assessment
(PDF 8,229 KB) - Appendix 3.5-A Air Quality Modeling Tables
(PDF 192 KB) - Appendix 3.6-A Noise Terminology and Modeling Tables
(PDF 348 KB) - Appendix 3.7-A Transportation Data/Modeling Tables
(PDF 1,021 KB) - Appendix 13.3-A Forest Service Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act (SAROEA) Consistency Review
(PDF 75 KB)
- Appendix 1-A Scoping Summary Report
- Cover page
- Notice of Preparation/Intent for the Heavenly Mountain Resort Epic Discovery Project - Nov. 2013
(PDF 4,027 KB)- Epic Discovery Project Description - Nov. 13, 2013
(PDF 3,437 KB)
- Epic Discovery Project Description - Nov. 13, 2013
The Epic Discovery Project is intended to enhance summer activities in response to the USDA Forest Service Ski Area Recreational Opportunity Enhancement Act of 2011. Heavenly proposes to improve year round recreation opportunities within the developed portions of the ski area on National Forest System lands using existing facilities and infrastructure to meet the expanding needs and expectations of visitors to Lake Tahoe, better support the year-round local economy of the South Lake Tahoe area, and connect a diverse group of visitors to our national forest with recreation and educational opportunities to further inspire passion and excitement for the outdoors. The summer activities are designed to suit a wide range of visitors from the casual sightseer to the avid mountain adventurer. A key component of the project proposal is a unique and comprehensive environmental education and interpretive component that is woven into the entire experience. The Project EIS/EIS/EIR will use information taken where appropriate from the Heavenly Mountain Resort Master Plan Amendment Final TRPA Governing Board will use the EIS/EIS/EIR certified in 2007. The TRPA Governing Board will use the EIS/EIS/EIR when they consider the amendment of the existing Ski Area Master Plan (that is also considered an amendment to the Regional Plan) to add the Epic Discovery projects.