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Maps may not be 100% accurate; use common sense when referencing these resources and contact US Forest Service staff with any inquiries you may have. We are here to serve you.


30x60 Minute Scale (1970-80's approximate most recent survey):

Bates Burns
Dayville John Day
Monument Stinkingwater Mountains


7.5x7.5 Minute Scale Quadrangle (2014 Survey):

Adritch Gulch Hughet Valley

Aldritch Mountain North      

Isham Creek
Aldritch Mountain South      Izee
Alsup Mountain John Day
Austin Johnson Saddle
Bates Jump-Off Joe Mountain
Bear Canyon Butte Keeney Point
Belshaw Meadows Knox Mountain
Big Canyon Landing Creek
Big Mowich Lewis Creek
Big Weasel Springs Little Baldy Mountain
Boulder Butte Logan Valley East
Buchanan Logan Valley West
Buck Spring Logdell
Buck Trough Spring Long Creek
Bulger Ridge Mackey butte
Bullrun Rock Magone Lake
Burns NW Magpie Table
Calamity Butte McClellan Mountain
Camp Currey Spring Moffit Table
Canyon Mountain Mosquito Flat
Castle Creek Mount Vernon
Castle Rock Myrtle Park Meadows
Clevenger Butte Oakerman Lakes
Cottonwood Reservoir Otis Mountain
Cougar Rock Pine Creek Mountain
Craft Point Pogue Point
Crane Prairie Poison creek
Dayville Powell Mountain
Deardorff Mountain Prairie City
Delintment Lake Rail Creek Butte
Desolation Butte Rail Gulch
Devine Ridge North Rastus Mountain
Devine Ridge South Roberts Creek
Dixie Meadows Sage Hen Hill
Dollar Basin Scotty Creek
Donaldson Creek Seneca
Donnelly Butte Sharp Ridge
Dry Mountain Sheep Ridge
Egypt Canyon Shop Gulch
Eldorado Pass Silvies
Fall Mountain Strawberry Mountain
Five Hundred Flat Suplee
Flag Prairie Suplee Butte
Flagtail Mountain Susanville
Flowers Gulch Telephone Butte
Fox Trout Creek
Funny Butte Unity Reservoir
Graylock Butte Van
Greenhorn Vinegar Hill
Hamilton West Myrtle Butte
Harney Whiskey Mountain
Holmes Canyon Whitney
Hughet Valley Wildcat Point


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