1986 Land and Resource Management Plan
The stewardship of managing National Forests are guided through big picture documents called Land and Resource Management Plans or commonly forest plans. The Manti-La Sal National Forest is currently managed through the amended forest plan found here, which was written and adopted in 1986. Below you will find all chapters and appendices related to the original forest plan as well as amendments to the plan that have been adopted since 1986. You may note the current forest plan is over thirty years old. Much has changed regarding resource management of the National Forests in the past thirty years, so we are currently in the process of revising the forest plan under the direction of the 2012 Planning Rule to incorporate changed conditions, best available science, and new public issues. More infomation about the forest plan revision process is available here.
Current Manti-La Sal Land and Resource Management Plan (1986)
Chapter 1 Introduction
Chapter 2 Management Situation
Chapter 3 Management Direction
Chapter 4 Implementation
Chapter 5 Index
Appendix A Activity Schedules (pp. 1-40)
Appendix A Activity Schedules (pp. 41-69)
Appendix B Mineral Stipulations
Appendices C,D,E & F Unsuitability and Multiple Use Management Evaluation; Energy, Transportation and Utility Corridor Evaluation; Glossary; List of Maps
Coal Multiple-Use Evaluation Areas
Corridor Evaluation: Manti and San Pitch Divisions
Corridor Evaluation: La Sal Division
Visual Quality Objective, Final Condition: Manti and San Pitch Divisions
Visual Quality Objective, Final Condition: La Sal Division
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum: Manti and San Pitch Divisions
Recreation Opportunity Spectrum: La Sal Division
Travel Map: Manti and San Pitch Divisions
Management Areas: Manti and San Pitch Divisions
Management Areas: La Sal Division
Plan Amendments
Index of Plan Amendments (1987-2006)
Amendment 1 Levan Peak electronics site (April 1987)
Amendment 2 Map corrections and miscellaneous plan changes (April 1988)
Amendment 3 SPR management changes and modification of leasable mineral stipulations (June 1988)
Amendment 4 Coal lease modification (May 1990)
Amendment 5 Management direction for rangeland proper use criteria (September 1990)
Amendment 6 Management direction for oil and gas lease stipulations (January 1994)
Amendment 7 Allowed use of National Recreation Trails (March 1995)
Amendment 8 Coal lease modification (December 1996)
Amendment 9 East Rim of Horn Mountain communication site (March 1997)
Amendment 10 Abajo Peak communication site (March 1997)
Amendment 11 Wilcox Flat communication site (March 1997)
Amendment 12 Hideout Mesa and Mill Creek Gorge RNAs (November 1998)
Amendment 13 Blue Mountain Road Widening and Repaving Project (July 1999)
Amendment 14 Utah Northern Goshawk Project (July 2001)
Amendment 15 Utah Fire Amendment Project (June 2001)
Amendment 16 Changes to Price-Provo utility corridor (August 2001)
Amendment 17 Designation of Price-Provo utility corridor as suitable for underground pipeline (October 2001)
Amendment 18 Management indicator species change amendment (June 2003)
Amendment 19 Aquatic habitat monitoring indices (May 2006)
Amendment 20 Willow Basin communication site (May 2006)
Amendment 21 Fish Creek Winter Recreation Project (January 2009)
Amendment 22 Sage Grouse (September 2015)
Amendment 23 Bears Ears National Monument Shash Jaa Unit (February 2020)
Forest Plan Monitoring Reports
Forest Plan Monitoring and Evaluation Report (1992-2000)