Wild horses available beginning Nov. 16 at Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals

Release Date: 

After years of preparation and a month-long effort by the Modoc National Forest to gather wild horses, it is now time to place gathered horses into homes and sanctuaries across the country. Please do what you can to support the health of the Devil’s Garden wild horse herd and the land that supports them.

There were 932 horses gathered from the Devil’s Garden Plateau Wild Horse Territory, and many foals are expected to be born in holding.

More than 650 Devil’s Garden horses will be available soon at the Litchfield Corrals for adoption through the BLM. Learn more about the BLM adoption process at https://www.blm.gov/programs/wild-horse-and-burro/adoption-and-sales/how-to-adopt.

There will be more than 250 horses at the Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals available for adoption as first priority at an event from 10 a.m.-3p.m. on Nov. 16 and 17, 2018. Horses more than 10 years old will also be available for sale with limitations, but adopters will have first choice.

All mares have been vaccinated and evaluated by a veterinarian. They will be ready for selection and pick up during the event. Studs are still being vaccinated and will be available pending veterinarian clearance. A limited number of geldings will be ready.

After the first event, adopter/purchaser viewing opportunities will be by appointment on Wednesdays and Fridays every week and the first Saturday of every month beginning Dec. 8, 2018. Appointments must be confirmed at least seven days in advance by calling 530-233-8738.

Future adoption/sales events will be announced at https://go.usa.gov/xQ3r3. This link also leads to adoption and sale forms, along with a lot of other information about Modoc wild horses.

Check out the volunteer-run Devil’s Garden Wild Horse Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/devilsgardenwildhorses/ and the new Double Devil Wild Horse Corrals page at https://www.facebook.com/doubledevilwildhorsecorrals/ for pictures of horses to help prepare for selection.