Rules & Regulations

Commercial Use

  • Permit required in designated areas similar to a timber sale.
  • $10.00 per tree
  • $10.00 per tag
  • Free for non profit organizations and fourth graders


  1. Permit tag must be signed to be valid
  2. Permit tag must be attached to the main stem between the limbs and sealed in such a way that it must be broken to be removed from the tree
  3. Permit tag must remain on the tree and be visible at all times while in transit
  4. Permit tag shall be in possession when harvesting and must be presented to any Peace or Forest Service Officer
  5. Christimas Tree cutting is part of the permit. Permit and map MUST be in possession when cutting Christimas Tree
  6. Permit sale is final-No refund
  7. Cutting or removing any tree a main stem exceeding 6 inches in a diameter measured at ground level is prohibited
  8. Stump heights greater than 12 inches and any live branches remaining on the stump are prohibited
  9. Permit is for and removal of ONE CHRISTIMAS TREE from the Modoc National Forest lands ONLY on or Before December 25 of year issued
  10. The permit is null and void when the permit tag seal is broken
  11. The permit is null and void when the permit tag is torn
  12. Permittee must be present when tree is cut and removed