Forest Orders

Title 36 of the Code of Federal Regulation 261.50 (a) gives each Forest Supervisor the authority to issue orders which close or restrict use of the of described areas within the area over which she has jurisdiction. An order may close an area to entry or may restrict the use of an area by applying any or all of the prohibitions authorized in Title 36, Part 261, Subpart B, of the Code of Federal Regulations.

Forest Orders:

Order # Description Effective Date
Regionwide Orders
06-00-00-23-01 Alcohol Prohibitions 02/17/2023
06-00-00-22-01 Fireworks, Explosives, and Exploding Targets 06/22/2022
06-00-00-21-03 Traffic Safety 09/23/2021
06-00-00-21-02 Weed Free Hay and Mulch Products Required 07/01/2021
06-00-00-20-02 Drugs and Alcohol 06/12/2020
06-00-00-15-001 Aquatic Invasive Species 03/03/2015
R-94-004 Wilderness Use Restrictions 05/06/1993
88-4 Prohibition: Bicycle use on Pacific Crest Trail 08/31/1988
RF-3 Industrial Fire Precaution Levels 06/12/1989
RF-2 Spark arrestors required 06/12/1989
Forestwide Orders
06-06-00-24-06 Camping Stay 14-day Limit   09/17/2024
MH-267-20-99 General Campfire Regulations 05/05/1999
MH-266-20-99 Trail and Road Closures 05/06/1999
MH-260-20-98 Wilderness Restrictions 06/22/1998
MH-215-20-92 Campground Rules 07/15/1992
Barlow Ranger District
MH-2011-4 Sportsman's Park Area Restrictions 05/01/2011
MH-84-20-85 The Dalles Watershed Closure 05/20/1985
Clackamas River Ranger District
06-06-05-24-04 Post-Fire Roads Closure   View Color Map   View Black & White Map  06/26/2024
MH-283-05-2002 Bagby Hot Springs Alcohol Prohibition 05/01/2002
MH-100-20-85 Clackamas River Camping 05/22/1985
Hood River Ranger District
06-06-06-24-02 Eagle Creek Closed Trails   View Map 07/08/2024
Zigzag Ranger District
MH-2012-05 Bull Run Watershed Closure 10/12/2012
MH-275-09-2001 Gordon Creek Watershed Restrictions 01/05/2001