Common Raccoon

  • Scientific Name: Procyon lotor
  • Niimíipuu Name: K'ayk'áyoc

Image of raccoon in water​​Description:

The Common Raccoon are best known for the black mask around their eyes and striped tails. The mask on their face is dark brown/black with white on the nose, eyebrows, and between the eyes. The stripped tail has five to seven alternating rings of light yellowish-white and dark brown or black. Raccoons also have flat feet, with their hind legs longer than their front legs, giving them a hunched appearance. Their feet have five moveable toes, allowing them to grab and handle food.

Diagram showing characteristics of raccoon


Raccoons measure about 3 feet long, with a 12-inch tail, and weigh 15 to 40 pounds. That is a large weight range, but it depends on Image of two raccoons emerging from metal culvertgenetics, age, food availability, and habitat location. Males are larger than females and have even reached 60 pounds. Raccoons located in urban settings also weigh more than a raccoon in the wild because of garbage and handouts from humans.

Raccoons will eat almost anything, even, as mentioned, human garbage. However, they prefer creatures found in around water such as clams, crayfish, frogs, fish, and snails. Raccoons in the wild have also been seen eating insects, slugs, dead animals, birds, bird eggs, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds.

Raccoons are solitary, except for during the breeding season and when females are taking care of their young. Breeding season is between January and June, with peak mating during March and April. Raccoons have litters of two to three kits. They use dens to shelter themselves and their young, with kits remaining in the den until they are 8 to 10 weeks old and remain with their mother through the winter and into the spring.

Image of raccoon holding food in front pawsNez Perce Mythology:

In the Nez Perce legend Itsayaya’s Revenge, a sleeping Coyote was roasting salmon on a fire when he was approached by five thieves: Eagle, Owl, Fox, Wolf, and Fox. The thieves ate the salmon and cut off a piece of Coyote’s tail to replace the salmon, since then Coyotes have short tails. Coyote awoke to find his food gone and tail cut, so he pursued the thieves for revenge. Coyote found then asleep around a fire and decided to alter their appearances. Coyote used coal from the fire to make dark circles around the Raccoon’s eyes and tail.

Raccoons (Procyon lotor) are a common species found in WA, ID, OR, and MT along the Nez Perce (Nee-Me-Poo) National Historic Trail. Raccoons should not be confused with the Ringtail (Bassariscus astutus), another species in the family Procyonidae, and known for their rock climbing. Raccoons are native to the United States and can also be found in urban settings.


Idaho Fish & Game. Northern Raccoon. April 2021.

Heady, E.B. 1970. Tales of the Nimipoo: From the Land of the Nez Perce Indian. The World Publishing Company: New York and Cleveland.

Montana Field Guides.  Raccoon- Procyon lotor.  Montana Natural Heritage Program and Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks.  April 2021.

Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife. Ringtail and Raccoon. April 2021.

Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife. Raccoons (Procyon lotor). April 2021.