Maps & Publications

Whether you "hit the trail" on foot, horseback, or mountain bike, it's a good idea to do a little homework first. One excellent planning tool is a good map. A number of maps of the Ottawa National Forest are available for free or purchase at the Supervisor’s Office, Ranger Districts, and Ottawa Visitor Center. 

Ottawa National Forest has different map products available:

  • USGS Topographic Maps
  • Forest Visitor Maps S
  • Motor Vehicle Use Maps
  • Trail Maps
  • GIS Data

Order a Map...

To order maps by mail, please print the order form and mail it with check or money order for exact amount.

Apps and Interactive Maps

Apps are available from Google Play and AppStore

Recreation Maps

Most maps are free to download.

Click on a heading below to find out more about these products.

Recreational Opportunity Guides

Hunting Maps

All maps are free to download. Walking trail maps are also available on the Michigan DNR website

Click on a heading below to find out more about these products.

Motor Vehicle Use Maps, Visitor and Topographical Maps

Click on a heading below to find out more about these products.

Motor Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM)

On November 9, 2005, the Forest Service published a final travel management regulation, governing use of OHVs and other motor vehicles on National Forest System lands. The final rule requires individual national forests to designate those roads, trails, and areas open to motor vehicle use. Once designation is complete on a national forest or ranger district, the rule will prohibit motor vehicles off the designated system.

We provide maps of the forest that inform you of what Forest Service Road or Trail is open to which vehicle. These are provided free and are updated each year.


Check out the attached brochure, which was created to answer our most frequently asked questions:  MVUM FAQ's.  Still have questions?  Our expanded FAQ's are a bit more specific to the Ottawa: MVUM Expanded FAQ's.

There are three ways to obtain an MVUM:

Topographical and Visitor Maps

Geospatial Data