Incident Management Team to Assume Command of the Crooks Fire April 19, 2022

Release Date: 

Contact(s): Fire Information: 928-925-1111

Crooks Fire Information (928) 925-1111


Location: 10 miles of Prescott-Bradshaw Ranger District (T12N, R2W, SEC 12), near Mt Union.

Start Date:  April 18, 2022

Size:  Approximately 600 acres

Percent Contained:   0%

Cause:     Under Investigation

Vegetation:   Brush, Ponderosa Pine, and Mixed Conifer

Crooks Fire Public Safety Closure Order:


Summary: Ryan Barela’s Arizona Central West Zone Type 3 Incident Management will assume command of the Crooks Fire today at 6:00 PM.  The fire remained active last night as crews worked through the night on structure protection and burning fuels along Forest Road (FR) 261 and along Senator Highway.  Firefighters will focus today on keeping the fire south of FR 261 and east of Senator Highway.  Fires in Prescott, AZ typically are driven by southwestern winds that push the fire to the northeast, therefore, we are prioritizing working on the northeastern part of the fire.


Fire behavior can be unpredictable, and fire managers are asking the public to exercise caution and steer clear of all areas that could be impacted by the Crooks Fire.


Resources Assigned:  3-Type 2 Hand crew, 5-Type 1 Hotshot crew, 5-Engines, 5 – Helicopters, and Miscellaneous Overhead. 


WEATHER: Red Flag warning in effect from 11 AM this morning to 8 PM MST this evening due to strong winds and low relative humidity.  Warm dry conditions are expected today with temperatures peaking in the afternoon around 70, relative humidity at 10%, with winds out of the southwest at 25-35 MPH with gusting up to 50 mph. 


EVACUATIONS:  Information about current evacuation status can be found on the Yavapai County Sheriff’s Department Facebook page at:


FOREST CLOSURE: To provide public health and safety due to firefighting operations and fire danger

associated with the uncontrolled Crooks Fire the Prescott National Forest has implemented a forest closure.  To view the closure order and map visit: Prescott National Forest - Alerts & Notices (    


ROAD CLOSURE: Goodwin Road – Crown King to Senator Highway; Walker Road is blocked at Senator Hwy; Lower Wolf Creek Road is closed at Senator Hwy and Big Bug Mesa Road is closed at Goodwin Road.  As a reminder to the public, with the increased fire vehicles in the area, for public and firefighter safety people should not travel into any of the fire area.


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