Fire Information

To Report a Fire: Call 911 OR the Pueblo Interagency Dispatch Center at 719-553-1600. 

Fire Public Information Officer (PIO) phone for media during active wildfires: (719) 299-5688

Email the Public Information Officer (PIO):

Follow us on Twitter:

PSICC: @PSICC_NF or Pueblo Dispatch: @pidc

  • Active Fire Information

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    For active national fire information visit the official interagency website for wildfires and all risk incidents.

  • Fire Restrictions

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    When conditions on the forest and grassland become critically dry, fire staff enact fire restrictions for public safety

  • Fire Management

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    Wise use of fire mimics the historical role of fire to protect the public and make forest lands more resilient. Our fire management program includes fire prevention, fire suppression, and fire use.

  • Wildfire Crisis Strategy

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    Find out more about the wildfire crisis and our strategy to confront it on the Pike National Forest.

  • Firewise Tips

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    The Firewise USA Program provides tools and resources to help you minimize your risk to the damage and loss caused by catastrophic wildfire.

More Resources