The Forest Service authorizes special use permits for certain privately owned cabins which existed on National Forest System lands in Alaska prior to the passage of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) of 1980. These cabins are often referred to as "ANILCA cabins.”
Final ANILCA Cabin Policy Revision:
The Alaska Region finalized changes to the Region’s policy for issuing special use permits for certain ANILCA cabins. There are about 100 “ANILCA cabins” on the Tongass and Chugach National Forests which are affected by the policy update.
The Forest Service will immediately begin implementing the updated policy which, among other changes, will allow for multiple reissuances of permits for certain existing cabins to continue to be used for traditional and customary purposes. The updated policy defines such use of these cabins as a well-established, consistent pattern of usage rooted in beliefs, customs, and practices passed down through generations.
The Forest Service previously placed some limits on the number of times a permit for certain ANILCA cabins could be reissued or who could be listed on a special use permit. Many cabin owners and their families have long sought a change in the way the Forest Service manages special use permits for their cabins.
The Forest Service has communicated throughout the process with permit holders affected by this policy revision to provide details on the change and will work with cabin owners to reissue permits based on their unique circumstances.
In making the decision to update the policy, the Alaska Region conducted a thorough review of the previous policy and considered feedback on the proposed changes from nearly 2,200 individuals during a 60-day public feedback period, which ended March 9, 2024. To learn more about public input in support of and opposed to the proposed revision, see the ANILCA Cabin Policy Revision Comment Summary.
- Review the Policy Crosswalk (PDF)
- Review the ANILCA Cabin Authorization Decision Guide
- View the ANILCA cabins map online
- View and download public comments from the Public Reading Room
- Read our Jan. 9, 2024 news release "Public can comment on proposed policy revision for privately owned “ANILCA cabin” permits on Alaska’s National Forests"
- Contact Jennifer Berger, Alaska Region Public Services Program Lead by email:; or by phone: 907-802-4224
Under the authority of ANILCA, the Alaska Region updated its Forest Service Handbook Region 10 Supplement direction for reissuance of special use permits for ANILCA cabins for traditional and customary uses under certain circumstances. The Forest Service defines reissuance as authorizing a new special use permit for the same use when the ownership of a cabin changes hands.
The updated policy accomplishes the following objectives:
- Allow the Forest Service to authorize (renewal and reissuance) special use permits for ANILCA cabins for traditional and customary uses so long as there is no direct threat to or significant impairment of the National Forests.
- Be consistent with legal definition which defines traditional and customary use to mean use that was well-established before enactment of ANILCA and does not limit these uses to rural subsistence.
- Provide continued discretion for land managers, as allowed for under ANILCA, to deny issuance of a permit if it is determined that proposed use of the cabin has changed and is no longer traditional and customary or uses are incompatible with the purposes for which the affected NFS lands were established.
- Interpret and apply ANILCA § 1303 on National Forest System (NFS) lands in a manner generally consistent with the Department of Interior’s application on lands under their jurisdiction.
- Meet congressional direction of ANILCA, as expressed through Senate Committee Report 96-413, that nothing shall preclude the continued permitting of cabins for traditional and customary uses. Permitting should be utilized for the continuation of this lifestyle wherever possible and where continuation would not constitute a direct threat to or significant impairment of the National Forests.
- Forest Service Handbook (FSH) Region 10 Supplement for special uses administration (FSH 2709.11, Ch. 40). Revised to provide updated direction on authorizing individual use, privately owned cabins under Section 1303(b)2 of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act.
- FSH Region 10- supplements for special uses permit terms and conditions (FSH 2709.11-2006-6, Ch.50) and fee determination (FSH 2709.11, Ch. 30). Updated to reflect the changes to Chapter 40.
- FSH Region 10 Supplement “Dear Alaskan Letter (2709.11, Ch 40 “Exhibit 2”). Rescinded 1987 letter which is obsolete following the policy changes.
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