Forest Plan Revision Documents—Sequoia and Sierra National Forests

Sequoia and Sierra Forest Plan print covers feature images of forests and animals

Land and resource management plans (Forest Plans) provide direction managing the lands and resources within a national forest. These plans are periodically updated with public involvement. Below are the documents associated with revising the land management plans for the Sequoia and Sierra National Forests.

The Sequoia and Sierra National Forests began revising their forest plans along with the Inyo National forest. Changed conditions from tree mortality on the Sequoia and Sierra forests warranted an update to their draft analysis, while the Inyo moved forward in the revision process without the Sequoia and Sierra forests and released a revised plan, final environmental impact statement and draft record of decision in August 2018. Please visit the Inyo National Forest’s Planning Page for more information on the Inyo’s final documents.

The Sequoia and Sierra National Forests released their revised draft environmental impact statement and held a public comment period in 2019. Public input from that comment period was incorporated and additional environmental analysis occurred. The pre-objection final environmental impact statement, draft record of decision and revised forest plans for the Sequoia and Sierra National Forests were released on June 14, 2022, and the administrative review, or objection process, was initiated. The objection process concluded in December 2022, and included instructions to the Responsible Officials to implement prior to signing final decisions. The adjustments and additions made in response to objection instructions are summarized in the final records of decision. The post-objection final environmental impact statement, forest plans, and signed records of decision were released in May 2023.

In May 2023 a notice of plan approval was published in the Federal Register, and we released the final records of decision, forest plans, and the final environmental impact statement for the Sequoia and Sierra National Forests. The revised forest plans go into effect 30 days following publication of the notice of plan approval in the Federal Register. See the Sequoia and Sierra Plan Revision website for more information and links to documents.