Modernizing Forest Plans in the Northwest

  • What is Land Management Plan Revision?

    Photo close-up of water traveling in a stream over rocks through lush greenery

    Learn about how the Forest Service uses scientific principles to manage and conserve the lands we steward.

  • Key Facts about Northwest Forest Plan Modernization

    Photo of upper elevation meadow blue sky grass, flowers, mountain top

    Across western Oregon and Washington and Northern California, all or parts of 17 National Forests are subject to the Northwest Forest Plan Amendment and managed similarly for a range of social, economic, and ecological benefits.

  • Frequently Asked Questions

    View of a lush green valley from above

    Find answers to the most common questions asked about the Northwest Forest Plan, how we use it, and how you can help shape the future of forest management.

  • Federal Advisory Committee

    View of a forest with grassy meadows and mountain peaks

    The Northwest Forest Plan Area Advisory Committee was established to solicit advice and recommendations on landscape management approaches that promote sustainability, climate change adaptations, and wildfire resilience while providing for increasing use of and demands from National Forest System lands in the Northwest Forest Plan area.

  • Get Involved in Forest Planning

    A forested stand view of trunks spaced out with vegetation thinned.

    The national forests are owned by all Americans, and we all have a role to play in how they are managed. Although this approach creates a great responsibility for both the Forest Service and its public, it also presents the public with an important opportunity to help create forest plans that serve a public interest.

The Northwest Forest Plan (NWFP) amendment is a landscape approach to public land management designed to contribute to social and economic sustainability in the region, while protecting threatened and endangered species in late successional and old-growth habitats. The NWFP amended existing forest plans on 19 national forest units across Washington, Oregon, and California. The NWFP and those underlying forest plans that were amended require key updates to address current management needs. Use the links above to get more information about the updates to the forest plan modernization process.

Additional Information and Resources