Northwest Forest Plan & Amendment

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Northwest Forest Plan & Amendment

The Northwest Forest Plan provides landscape scale direction for over 24 million acres, across 17 national forests and other federal land in western Washington and Oregon, and northwestern California. The plan was established in 1994 to protect threatened and endangered species, such as the northern spotted owl, while contributing to regional social and economic sustainability. The plan set overall management direction and guidance for the plan area, identifying desired conditions and standards and guidelines to achieve them. Thirty years later, this landscape has experienced significant social, economic, and ecological changes. Amending the Northwest Forest Plan will provide an updated management framework that incorporates best available scientific information and current conditions. This amendment will affect direction for a subset of the 1994 Northwest Forest Plan area – 19 million acres of National Forest System lands. View an overview video about the proposed amendment.

Northwest Forest Plan Amendment Process & Engagement Steps

A timeline showing the process and engagement opportunities with planning

Learn about the Northwest Forest Plan & Amendment


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We have many opportunities for you to get involved in the Northwest Forest Plan Amendment process! Whether you are looking for more information, want to share information, or are looking for opportunities to comment on document releases, you can find it all here.