San Juan National Forest Offices

The San Juan National Forest offices include the Headquarters in Durango, three district offices in Bayfield, Pagosa Springs and Dolores, Colorado and a Visitor Center at Chimney Rock National Monument.


Photo of San Juan Public Lands Center.San Juan National Forest Headquarters (Supervisor's Office)

15 Burnett Court
Durango, CO 81302
Phone: (970) 247-4874
Fax: (970) 385-1243
TTY : 711

Hours: Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Headquarters answers visitor information questions and sells Forest Service permits, passes, maps, T-shirts and hats. Closed for all federal holidays.


Columbine OfficeColumbine Ranger District

District Ranger: Nick Glidden

367 Pearl Street
P.O. Box 439
Bayfield, CO  81122
Phone:  (970) 884-2512
FAX:  (970) 884-2428

Hours:  Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed for all federal holidays.

Visitor Information: Stan Sparks,


Dolores OfficeDolores Ranger District / Tres Rios BLM Field Office

District Ranger: Nick Mustoe

29211 Highway 184
Dolores, CO  81323-9308
Phone:   (970) 882-7296
FAX:  (970) 882-6841

Hours:  Monday–Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. The Dolores Office answers visitor information questions and sells Forest Service permits, passes, and maps. Closed for all federal holidays.

Visitor Information: Tom Ferrell,


Pagosa OfficePagosa Ranger District

District Ranger: Josh Peck

180 Pagosa Street
P.O. Box 310
Pagosa Springs, CO 81147
Phone:  (970) 264-2268
FAX:  (970) 264-1538

Hours:  Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.. The Pagosa Office answers visitor information questions and sells Forest Service permits, passes, and maps. Closed for all federal holidays.

Visitor Information:



CRNM visitor centerChimney Rock National Monument

Location: Southern Ute Reservation

Hours:  May 15th through September 30th from 9 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. 


  • May 15 - September 30: Chimney Rock National Monument Visitor Center at 970-883-2496
  • October 1 - May 14: Pagosa Ranger District Office at (970) 264-2268
  • Reservation Call Center for Special Programs: 877-444-6777


San Juan National Forest District Boundaries

For more information, please call the Forest Headquarters at (970)  247-4874

Thumbnail graphic: Overview map