Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness Plan Storymap
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Passed into law on August 7, 2015, this designation marks an unanimous Act of Congress.
The Jim McClure-Jerry Peak Wilderness Area (116,898 acres) is administered by both the Salmon-Challis National Forest and the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) Challis Field Office.
Wilderness is established as a place where ecosystems remain undeveloped and intact, natural processes unfold without intervention and humans may visit but not stay.
You can help protect these values for future generations:
- Take the time to review maps and know if your planned trails are in or out of the wilderness.
- Existing regulations for weed free hay are in effect.
- The following are prohibited in a National Forest Wilderness:
- Possessing or using a motor vehicle, motor boat or motorized equipment except as authorized by Federal Law or regulation
- Possessing or using a hang glider or bicycle
- Landing of aircraft, or dropping or picking up of any material, supplies, or person by means of aircraft, including a helicopter
- Livestock: The grazing of livestock in which grazing is established before the date of enactment shall be allowed to continue.
- Hunting and fishing regulations are managed by the State of Idaho. Those regulations do not change with the signing of this bill; however, no use of motor vehicles, motorized equipment, motorboats, landing of aircraft, or other form of mechanical transport (such as bicycles or game carts) will be permitted.
- Snowmobiles are not authorized.
For more information contact: Challis-Yankee Fork Ranger District at 208-879-4100 or Challis Bureau of Land Managment at 208-879-6200
Jim McClure - Jerry Peak Legislation
Frequently Asked Questions
Who is Jim McClure?
Jim is referred to as a “true Idahoan with a legitimate legacy of preserving his state's natural resources.” Republican Jim McClure, who died in 2011, left office after serving three terms in the U.S. Senate and three in the U.S. House. Along with a distinguished group of state and congressional representatives, McClure was a steward of Idaho's natural resources. He helped champion what became the SNRA and the Hells Canyon National Recreation Area.
Now that the legislation specified that BLM wilderness Study areas have been released, can I go ahead and drive on the roads that are out in those former WSA’s?
The short answer is No. In addition to the WSA designation, these lands were subject to a public process and decision about motorized travel. Current BLM and FS travel plan decisions stand.
I have a long time family campground inside the area, I need to leave my horse corral set up and my gear stashed there. I am sure it is OK to do that, right?
Actually, leaving your gear in the woods to either save “your” place or to save time getting to and setting up camp is not okay. Inside of or outside of designated wilderness areas, occupancy and use rules apply. The National Forests are public lands, and not to be used as long term storage or as dumping grounds.
Are you going to shut down all of the mountain bike trails?
Within the BLM Wilderness Study Areas and in the proposed Wilderness Area, bicycles were prohibited before wilderness designation.
HOWEVER, since designation, some of the following trails on the Salmon-Challis NF remain OPEN to motorized and/or mechanical devices (including bicycles):
Trail # | Trail Name | Miles | OPEN to Bicycles? |
4224 | Bowery Creek | 10.5 | CLOSED |
4178 | Narrow-Bowery | 2.77 | CLOSED |
4179 | Narrow Canyon | 2.89 | CLOSED |
4188 | East Pass Creek | 1.8 | CLOSED |
4050 | Hunter Creek | 2.52 | CLOSED |
4051 | Toolbox-Herd | 3.41 | CLOSED |
4182 | West Fork Herd | 7.14 | CLOSED |
4187 | McDonald-Taylor | 5.02 | OPEN |
4190 | Taylor Creek | 4.15 | CLOSED |
4185 | Lake Basin-Hells Canyon | 3.18 | CLOSED |
1901.03 | Upper Lake Creek | 5.95 | CLOSED |
4181 | Lake Basin cut-off | 0.66 | CLOSED |
1901.02 | Herd Lake | 0.61 | CLOSED |
4095 | Upper Pine Creek | 3.64 | CLOSED |
4183.03 | Sheep-Pine Creek | 3.94 | CLOSED |
4184.03 | Baker Creek | 1.00 | CLOSED |
4253 | Sheep Creek | 4.02 | CLOSED |
4189 | Sagebrush | 4.69 | OPEN |
4186 | Pine-McDonald | 4.67 | OPEN |
That makes 14.38 miles OPEN to bicycles and about 58.18 miles open only for hiking and Pack/saddle use and CLOSED to bicycles. See map for more information.
What is the definition of “motorized” equipment?
Based on the definitions in the regulations at 36 CFR 261, motorized equipment means: “any machine activated by a nonliving power source except small battery-powered hand carried devices such as flashlights, shavers, Geiger counters, and cameras”.
My uncle needs to use his wheelchair to get around our hunting camp, and it is now inside the wilderness area; what are your rules about this? Is it motorized, or mechanized, or can he even use it in there?
YES, in many cases a wheelchair can be used in wilderness. “Any wheelchair or mobility device (including one that is battery-powered) that is designed solely for use by a mobility-impaired person for locomotion and that is suitable for use in an indoor pedestrian area”.
I would love to make a movie about this beautiful place, when can I start filming? I am sure you have some sort of rules about this!!
You bet we do. Still photography is allowed within wilderness areas, HOWEVER, commercial filming must go through a more rigorous screening before it can be approved, please call Gail Baer 208-756-5128 with a proposal and we’ll see what we can do for you.
Can be found on the Bureau of Land Management's; Challis Field Office Webpage