Planning overview page

Forestwide Planning on the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests

Managing the use of the natural resources in our national forests takes a lot of planning. We put a lot of effort to make sure we meet the letter and intent of the laws that guide our planning activities. One way we do that is through forest Land and Resource Management Plans, also known as forest plans. Forest plans provide broad program level direction for management of the national forest land and its resources. Future projects carry out the direction in this forest plan. The forest plan does not contain a commitment to select any specific project. We also plan activities on the national forests at the project level. We give you the opportunity to participate in the planning process through public and working meetings for our project plans. The projects we plan aim to meet the main focus of our stragetic framework; restore, protect, and respond.

Schedule of Proposed Actions (SOPA)

Produced four times a year, this report shows the public proposed projects for the next three months under the provisions of NEPA. The information is displayed in table format by the administrative unit (Region, Forest, or District) responsible for the proposal. Members of the public interested in any projects need to inform the contact person listed to receive information during project scoping. For specific projects, reach out to the project lead identified on the SOPA. To be added to our general scoping list, please reach out to patrick.yamnik@usda.govScoping is the process that informs the public of a project and seeks issues and concerns. It is considered the beginning of the environmental analysis process.

To view our Schedule of Proposed Actions, please visit the Forest Service SOPA page for the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests.

  • Forest Carbon Assessment for the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests

    Cypress swamp

    Read how the Francis Marion and Sumter National Forests are maintaining a carbon sink.