Four Peaks Wilderness Area
This Wilderness was established in 1984, and contains approximately 60,740 acres with a major mountain rising up in its center from the desert foothills. The Four Peaks themselves are visible for many miles, and are one of the most widely recognized landmarks in central Arizona. The rapid change in elevation produces interesting and unique plant and animal communities. Elevations range from 1,900 feet near Apache Lake to 7,600 feet on Brown's Peak.
A large part of this wilderness was burned by a human-caused fire in 1996. It will take decades for the pine-covered mountains to recover.
A group size of no more than 15 people and no more than 15 head of pack or saddle animals of any type is enforced within this wilderness year-round.
Visits to some parts of this wilderness can be made throughout the year, using a rather extensive trail system. A Recreation Opportunity Guide (20 pages) is available which gives directions to trailheads and describes each trail. Copies are available from the Mesa Ranger Station.
Visit our on-line MAP to get an overview of the Four Peaks Wilderness and its trails.
- Cane Spring Trail #77
- Alder Saddle Trail #81
- Alder Trail #82
- Soldier Trail #83
- Lower Soldier Trail #84
- Oak Flat Trail #123
- Four Peaks Trail #130
- Chillicut Trail #132
- Brown's Trail #133
- Pigeon Trail #134
- Oak Flat TH
- Mud Spring TH
- Mills Ridge TH
- Lone Pine Saddle TH
- Cotton Wood Camp TH
- Cane Spring TH
A large part of this wilderness was burned over by a human-caused fire which was started on April 27, 1996. Over the next several decades we will be able to observe and study nature recovering from this fire. Much will be learned about fire's effects on wildlife and the numerous vegetative zones in this wilderness.
Our WILDERNESS FAQs page has answers to the most commonly asked questions regarding Wilderness Areas.
Activities such as prospecting and treasure troving are limited. For more information, go to Other Wilderness Activities.
All of our Wilderness Areas adhere to the LEAVE NO TRACE policy.
Alerts & Warnings
- 03-12-00-24-43 West Fire Emergency Closure
- 03-12-02-24-44 Wood Fire Closure Order
- 03-12-03-24-41 Sand Stone Post Fire Recovery Public Safety Closure
- Equestrian Users Please Be Aware
- 03-12-06-24-27 Tonto Creek Crossing Road Closures
- 03-12-01-22-26 Rattlesnake Cove Recreation Fishing Dock Closure
- 03-12-00-23-36 Target Type Restrictions Order
- Amended - Apache Lake Closure - Lower Burnt Corral Campground remains closed
- Bald Eagle Seasonal Closures
- Occupancy and Use Restrictions
- Update on State Route 88 (Apache Trail) - August 18, 2021
- Redmond Fire Road Closure