Draft Assessment Reports

While guiding the overall forest plan revision process, the 2012 Planning Rule also specifies which resources and activities must be considered for the Assessment Reports. These requirements, as well as the Blue Mountains Forest Plan Draft Assessment Reports that address each topic area, are outlined in the table below. While these are separate documents, it is important to remember that no resource, use, or issue stands alone. Rather, they are all interrelated and must be considered in an integrated way as we move forward to develop plan components in the plan development.

Please check out our Blue Mountains Forest Plan Revision Roadmap to help acquaint yourself with the Forest Plan process. 

With some of the larger files, particularly the maps and species overviews, we recommend downloading the content rather than trying to scroll through them in the browser. Thank you for your patience! Please reach out by email or by giving us a call, (541) 278-3716, if you have any trouble accessing these documents. 

An opportunity to provide feedback on the draft assessment, Potential Species of Conservation Concern (SCC) list, Lands that May Have Wilderness Character draft inventory, and Wild and Scenic Rivers draft inventory was provided from March 25 - May 26. An overview of submitted public feedback and the Draft Assessment Feedback Period Reading Room are now available. 

Draft Summary Assessment

Assessment Topics Required by the 2012 Planning Rule (36 CFR 219.6 (b))

Blue Mountains Draft Assessment Reports

1. Terrestrial ecosystems, aquatic ecosystems, and watersheds

2. Air, soil, and water resources and quality (Air Quality is addressed in the Socio-economic reports)

3. System drivers, including doiminant ecological processes, disturbance regimes, and stressors, such as natural succession, wildland fire, invasive species and climate change; and the ability of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems on the plan area to adapt to change

4. Baseline assessment of carbon stocks
5. Threatened, endangered, proposed and candidate species, and potential species of conservation concern present in the plan area

6. Social, cultural, and economic conditions

7. Benefits people obtain from the NFS planning area (ecosystem services)

8. Multiple uses and their contributions to local, regional, and national economies

9. Recreation settings, opportunities and access, and scenic character
10. Renewable and nonrenewable energy and mineral resources
11. Infrastructure, such as recreational facilities and transportation and utility corridors

12. Areas of Tribal Importance

13. Cultural and historic resources and uses

14. Land status and ownership, use and access patterns
15. Existing designated areas located in the plan area including wilderness and wild and scenic rivers and potential need and opportunity for additional designated areas


















































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