Fire Overview
To report a wildfire, call 911 or Columbia Dispatch at (360) 891-5140.
*Sign up for emergency alerts by county.
Active Fires & Fire Closures
Williams Mine Fire 2024:
- For Current Updates: (20+) Facebook
- InciWeb: Williams Mine Fire- GPNF-WAGPF
- Evacuation and Fire Information:
- Maps: Closure Area and Fire Area Map (8/9/2024).
- Closures: Williams Mine Area and Road Closure Order
- Fire Restrictions: Public Use Restrictions
- News and Fire Updates: News and Events
- Twitter:
Cowlitz Complex Fire 2023:
- InciWeb:
- Facebook: @GiffordPinchot (Previous updates: @cowlitzcomplex)
- Twitter:
- Closures: Snagtooth Fire Trail Closure Order (MAP)
Iron Creek Fire 2023:
- Iron Creek Fire Closure (MAP), 100% controlled
Goat Rocks Fire 2022:
- Goat Rocks Fire Closure Order (MAP), 100% contained, (Burned Area Emergency Response Report)
Siouxon & Sunset Fires 2022:
- Siouxon Fire Closure (MAP); Sunset Fire Closure (MAP). (Siouxon Burned Area Emergency Response Report)
Kalama Fire 2022:
Nationwide Fire Activity & Smoke Information:
- Active Fires (100+ acres):
- National Fire Situational Awareness Map:
- National Fire and Smoke Map:
Temporary Flight Restrictions: Wildfires are a No Drone Zone. If you fly, we can’t. Whenever a drone is spotted near the fire, all aircraft are grounded until we can ensure the drone is clear of the area. For more information, please visit
Fire Restrictions at Gifford Pinchot National Forest
07/09/2024: With increasingly warmer weather, and lack of precipitation across Northwest Oregon and Washington, fire managers for the Gifford Pinchot National Forests have issued public use fire restrictions, effective at 12:01 a.m. Friday, July 12.
Industrial Fire Precaution Level (IFPL)
Zone 659-S: IFPL Level 1 (effective 09/19/2024)
Zone 660: IFPL Level 1 (effective 09/19/2024)
View Forest Fire Zone Map
IFPL I = Fire precaution requirements are in effect. A Fire Watch/Security is required at this and all higher levels unless otherwise waived.Fire Danger Rating
09/23/2024: Moderate Fire Danger:
Ever wonder about how fire danger levels and restrictions decisions are made? During spring, summer, and fall, fire staff talk regularly to assess the risk of fires on the forest. |
Using the National Fire Danger Rating System, with forecasts from the National Weather Service and the National Interagency Coordination Center, fire staff take into account short- and long-term weather, fuel types (grasses, brush, timber, snags, etc), elevation, and fuels moisture. If conditions warrant it, the forest may implement restrictions on campfires or commercial activity on the forest.
Safety Tips For Burned Areas
Hikers ALWAYS assume risks when entering trails in natural areas, but in burned areas those risks are greater. Your safety is in your hands! Review these tips.
Local Emergency Management Contact Information
For local details in case of emergency, such as fire evacuation information & related closures please consult with local sheriff and county emergency management services.
- Clark County: website, Twitter, Facebook, (Sign up for alerts)
- Cowlitz County: website, Facebook (Sign up for alerts)
- Klickitat County: website, Facebook, (Sign up for alerts)
- Lewis County: website, Twitter, Facebook, (Sign up for alerts)
- Skamania County: website, Facebook, (Sign up for alerts)
Columbia Dispatch
Columbia Cascade Communication Center (WA-CCC) provides dispatching and logistical support for emergency management on lands administered by the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, Mt. Hood National Forest, and the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.
Dispatch organization is responsible for reporting, tracking, and processing orders for aircraft, equipment, overhead, crews and supplies needed to support incidents in or outside of the local area. Columbia Cascade also provides intelligence and predictive services-related products to support wildland fire mangers and firefighters in the region.
Fire Management
Learn how fire manager are planning ahead to better mitigate wildfire risk within the communities adjacent to forest lands.
Big Hollow Fire Response & Recovery
The Big Hollow Fire started on Tuesday September 8, 2020 approx. 04:30 AM, 15 miles NW of Carson Washington and 7 miles SE of Cougar Washington within Gifford Pinchot National Forest. The fire burned 24,147 acres on national forest land and 847 acres on Washington state land. The fire was contained on Tuesday October 20th, 2020 approx. 10:00 AM.
Learn more about our response to Big Hollow Fire.
Fire Jobs
Are you interested in joining the wildfire team? Fire Hire is usually in August for permanent positions in wildfire and dispatch. View information about fire employment.