Southwestern Region GIS Data

Selected GIS Datasets for the Southwestern Region

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Activities (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Activities (FACT_ACT160_VW Attributes)

Posted 02/06/25

This area feature class represents the locations of planned, accomplished and completed activity data that are recorded in the USFS Activities application FACTS. Only records with an activity are included. This data does not go into specifics of treatments (such as chemical treatments). It contains basic information like the activity subunit ID, administrative forest, ownership, state, planned date, accomplished date, completed date, method, equipment, funding, and many other items.

Aerial Photography Mission Data (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Photo Mission Area Polygons & Photo Centers

Posted 02/06/25

Historical Aerial Photography Archive Missions (HAPAP) is a geodatabase that interfaces with a Map Viewer Search engine of all aerial photography projects completed in the Southwestern Region of the Forest Service. This database contains metadata on each mission indicating the original mission specifications and information on how to locate the associated rolls of film.

Post Fire Photography Projects List

Posted 7/23/2020

This spreadsheet lists all of the post fire aerial photography projects flown by the Southwestern Region. With projects dating back to 1972, this imagery serves as an important record of fire extent and damage. Geospatial features describing the photo centers and footprints for these projects can be accessed in the Historical Aerial Photography feature service above, and the imagery can be requested from the Aerial Photography Field Office


Photography Image Server

High resolution orthomosaics from Historical Aerial Photography and 30cm 4band orthophotos of Fire Sites in Arizona and New Mexico acquired by the USFS Southwestern Regional Office for various planning, design, research and mapping purposes.

Film rolls acquired by the Southwestern Regional Office were scanned by the Aerial Photography Field office (APFO) at 12.5 microns with a Leica DSW700 film scanner and delivered as digital files. Once scanned and inventoried, the digital files were then digitally stitched together to produce high resolution orthomosaics.

Four band digital imagery was processed and triangulated and then the imagery was fully orthorectified and mosaicked for 30cm digital orthophotography. Imagery was controlled using Airborne GPS/IMU technology on board the aircraft at the time of acquisition.

Constructed Features (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Constructed Features

Posted 02/06/25

This feature dataset includes constructed and non constructed features that support management needs and mapping. This dataset includes a variety of constructed features, (e.g, fences, bridges, culverts, buildings, communication systems, gates, helipads, parking lots, shooting range, etc.) and non-constructed features which may include natural barriers and other features that need to be maintained spatially.

Ecological Response Units (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Ecological Response Units (Version 5.4)

Posted 11/3/2022

Ecological Response Units - The purpose of this feature class is to be an ecosystem mapping tool across all of Arizona and New Mexico.

Ecological Response Units (ERUs) facilitate landscape analyses and planning. The framework represents all major ecosystem types of the southwest region, and represents a stratification of biophysical themes. ERUs are used to define historic/reference conditions within a mapping unit by integrating site potential (soil physical and chemical properties, geology, geomorphology, aspect, slope, climate variables, and geographic location), fire regime (historic and contemporary), neighboring vegetation communities, and seral state sequence.

The shapefile data is tiled into four tiles: Arizona North, Arizona South, New Mexico North, New Mexico South. View a sample image of the tile locations 394 KB ERU Change Request - For FS partners that have updates to the data. In order to handle requests for updating ERU in an efficient manner, a workflow has been developed to funnel the different types of change requests. This download contains instructions and forms for ERU change requests.

ERU Fire Groups

Posted 4/4/2023

Fire groups are categories based upon vegetation types and their fire regime. This dataset is derived from Version 5.4 of the Ecological Response Unit (ERU) layer. Fire groups were assigned to the ERU designations during the 2017 and 2023 regional wildfire risk assessments (Nicolet 2017, Gannon et al. 2023). The polygons were dissolved by the fire group assignments to the ERUs. A minimum mapping unit of 1,000 acres (400 ha) is required by some protocols (USDA Forest Service 2017) and was then applied following the dissolve to exclude small polygons (<1,000 acres). Over 86% of the region is represented by large polygons that exceed the minimum map unit threshold. Attributes were added for historic fire regime and flame length class. Note that non-vegetation ERUs such as sparsely vegetated, urban/developed, agriculture, and water did not get assigned a fire group and were included with small polygons (< 1,000) into a general category of “Not Included (< 1,000 ac)”.

Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment

The CCVA is an all-lands vulnerability assessment for major upland ecosystems of AZ and NM (Triepke 2016). Based on the anticipated effects of climate and uncharacteristic drought to site potential, the vulnerability of individual plant communities was identified by the level of future climate departure from the climate envelope for given ecosystem types. The CCVA was an ecosystems approach to predicting vulnerability based on climate projections at the year 2090. Much of the underpinning knowledge and geography of vegetation-climate relationships stems from the Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory of the USFS Southwestern Region (USDA Forest Service 1986, Winthers et al. 2005).

Aquatic-Riparian Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (ARCCVA)

Posted 12/2/2022

Land managers are considering ongoing and potential effects of climate and drought on natural resources to coordinate responses for the protection of ecosystems and their water supply, aquatic and riparian biodiversity, and other ecosystem services (Smith and Friggens 2017). Though climate vulnerability of these systems remains understudied (Mott Lacroix et al. 2017), the Rocky Mountain Research Station (RMRS) of the USDA Forest Service, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and other organizations have developed assessments, tools, and methods for evaluating specific localities or the vulnerability for key ecosystem components. The Aquatic-Riparian Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (ARCCVA) complements prior work with a regionwide vulnerability assessment of sufficient thematic detail to support natural resource policy and management prioritization, watershed assessment, monitoring systems, and to support effects analyses of landscape-scale projects. This work builds on an approach established by Smith and Friggens (2017) and adds additional indicators and spatial extent. by The ARCCVA satisfies some requirements of the Forest Service Climate Scorecard and partially fulfills the vulnerability assessment requirement of the agency’s Climate Adaptation Framework used to support the subsequent step of building an adaptation strategy. The ARCCVA includes subwatershed-scale reporting (HUC12) for all lands of Arizona and New Mexico along with watersheds that include Forest Service lands in the Oklahoma and Texas panhandles. The assessment was supported by existing data sources on over two dozen intrinsic and climate-related indicators associated with watershed condition, riparian and aquatic habitat, and the presence of warm- and cold-water fish.

Socioeconomic Vulnerability Assessment (SEVA)

Posted 2/2/2023

A changing climate and its effects on ecosystem services will have broad impacts, however, not all people and communities will be equally affected. This assessment of vulnerability is concerned with identifying communities and geographic areas where climate-change-driven ecological changes have the potential to adversely affect human well-being due to changes in the provision of ecosystem services. Communities that are at greater risk of ecological changes and that lack adaptive capacity are considered more vulnerable. We analyzed vulnerability components of exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity based on available socioeconomic and ecological data. Reporting here includes quantitative and spatially based summaries on community risk, resource sector dependence, and capacity to adapt, as well as an integration of the three vulnerability components. This report extends existing vulnerability reporting focused on national forests by assessing all lands, regardless of ownership, in Arizona and New Mexico.

"Socioeconomic Vulnerability to Ecological Changes in the Southwest" Publication PDF

Forest Orders (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Forest Orders

Posted as a map service 5 times Daily

Forest order map. Forest orders are areas of the forest where entry or use is restricted for safety and or resource protection.

Title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter II, Subpart B, may close an area to entry or may restrict the use of an area by applying any or all of the prohibitions authorized by the code of regulations.

Forest Planning (Individual Forest)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Apache Sitgreaves Management Area 2015

Posted 8/21/2019

The purpose of this feature class is to depict and label a spatially contiguous land area identified within a planning area (the administrative boundary). The feature class will be used to provide planning information for any necessary analysis Apache Sitgreaves N.F.

Kaibab Management Area 2014

Posted 2/3/2022

The purpose of this feature class is to depict and label a spatially contiguous land area identified within a planning area (the administrative boundary). The feature class will be used to provide planning information for any necessary analysis Kaibab N.F.

Snta Fe Management Area 2022 Plan

Posted 3/8/2024

The purpose of this feature class is to depict and label a spatially contiguous land area identified within a planning area (the administrative boundary). The feature class will be used to provide planning information for any necessary analysis Santa Fe N.F. 2022 Forest Plan.

General Terrestrial Ecosystem Survey (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

General Terrestrial Ecosystem Survey

Posted 12/2001

General Terrestrial Ecosystem Survey - (United States Forest Service Southwest Region)

View image of area

The data set is composed of polygon features denoting soil condition, erosion hazard, revegetation potential and vegetation cover. The scale is 1:250000. This data set was created for the USFS General Terrestrial Ecosystem Survey. It's purpose is to delineate the locations and areas of varying GTES characteristics.

Invasive (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract


Posted  02/06/25

The Invasive Plants, Invertebrate, Pathogen, and Vertebrate (Invasive) feature class contains all the Invasive Infestation polygons collected by the National Invasive Plant Inventory Protocol. Includes most recent as well as historic observations. Includes Site ID, Plant code, status etc. for the infesting species, date, area and other basic data.

This dataset at this time is mostly Plants.

Land (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Administrative Forest

Posted 02/06/25

Administrative Forest - An area encompassing all the National Forest System lands administered by a unit. The area encompasses private lands, other governmental agency lands, and may contain National Forest System lands within the proclaimed boundaries of another administrative unit. All National Forest System lands fall within one and only one Administrative Forest Area.

Ranger District

Posted 02/06/25

Ranger District - A depiction of the boundary that encompasses a Ranger District.

Administrative Region

Posted 02/06/25

Administrative Region - An area encompassing all the National Forest System lands administered by a Region. The area encompasses private lands, other governmental agency lands. All National Forest System lands fall within one and only one Administrative Region Area.

Military Reserve

Posted 02/06/25

Military Reserve - An area depicting National Forest System land parcels that have management or use limits of Military Reserve or Hazardous Area.

National Grassland

Posted 02/06/25

National Grassland - A National Grassland unit designated by the Secretary of Agriculture and permanently held by the Department of Agriculture under Title III of the Bankhead-Jones Farm Tenant Act.

Other National Designated Area

Posted 02/06/25

Other National Designated Area - An area depicting National Forest System land parcels that have management or use limits placed on them by legal authority. Examples are: National Recreation Area, National Monument, and National Game Refuge.

Proclaimed Forest

Posted 02/06/25

Proclaimed Forest - A depiction of the boundaries encompassing the National Forest System (NFS) lands within the original proclaimed National Forests, along with subsequent Executive Orders, Proclamations, Public Laws, Public Land Orders, Secretary of Agriculture Orders, and Secretary of Interior Orders creating modifications thereto, along with lands added to the NFS which have taken on the status of 'reserved from the public domain' under the General Exchange Act. The following area types are included: National Forest, Experimental Area, Experimental Forest, Experimental Range, Land Utilization Project, National Grassland, Purchase Unit, and Special Management Area.

Right Of Way

Posted 02/06/25

Right of Way - A depictation of the Right of Ways on National Forest System Lands.

PLSS - Public Land Survey System

Posted 02/06/25


Section - An area defined by the Public Lands Survey System Grid. Normally, 36 sections make up a township.

Township - An area defined by the Public Lands Survey System grid that is referenced by its tier and range numbers, and is normally a rectangle approximately 6 miles on a side with boundaries conforming to meridians and parallels.

Special Interest Management Area

Posted 02/06/25

Special Interest Management Area - A depiction of National Forest System land parcels that have management or use limits placed on them by the Forest Service. Examples include: Anadromous Spawning Area, Indian Reserve Classification Area, Archeological Area, Research Natural Area, Administrative Site, Scenic Area, and others.

Sub Surface Right

Posted 02/06/25

Sub Surface Right - A depictation of the Sub Surface Right (Minerals, Gas Oil) on National Forest System Lands.

Surface Ownership

Posted 02/06/25

Surface Ownership - An area depicting ownership parcels of the surface estate. Each surface ownership parcel is tied to a particular legal transaction. The same individual or organization may currently own many parcels that may or may not have been acquired through the same legal transaction. Therefore, they are captured as separate entities rather than merged together. This is in contrast to Basic Ownership, in which the surface ownership parcels having the same owner are merged together. Basic Ownership provides the general user with the Forest Service versus non-Forest Service view of land ownership within National Forest boundaries. Surface Ownership provides the land status user with a current snapshot of ownership within National Forest boundaries.

Surface Ownership Dissolve

Posted 02/06/25

Surface Ownership Dissolve -This is a Basic ownership layer mergered from Surface Ownership. Ownership is depicted (dissolved) by FS_Own_Code (USFS or OTHER.)

Surface Right

Posted 02/06/25

Surface Right - A depictation of the Surface Right on National Forest System Lands.


Posted 02/06/25

Wilderness - The Land Status view of National Forest System land parcels that have legal descriptions such as National Wilderness Area, Primitive Area, or Wilderness Study Area.

Wild Scenic River

Posted  02/06/25

Wild Scenic River - The Land Status view of a Wild and Scenic River.

Inventoried Roadless Area

Posted 2/3/2022

Inventoried Roadless Areas that were used in the Final Environmental Impact Statement for the 2001 Roadless Area Conservation Rule.  The EIS analysis team used this spatial data to assess the impacts of roadless area alternatives on Forest Service policies,use of the National Forests and the surrounding environment.  It was used for analysis in combination with national characterization layers, such as ambient human population, forest mortality risk to insects and diseases, current land cover types, andothers. 

Recreation (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Recreation Site

Posted 02/06/25

Recreation Site Point and Recreation Site Polygon

Depicts developed recreation sites, trailhead, fishing, picnic area, campground

Wilderness Recreation Management

Posted 02/06/25

Wilderness recreation management areas are stored in two feature classes. WildernessRecMgtPoint represents wilderness recreation management sites so small they are displayed as points, such as campsites and day use sites. WildernessRecManagementPolygon represents wilderness recreation management areas large enough to be displayed as polygons, such as wilderness compartments, concentrated use areas, opportunity class areas, travel zones, permit zones, and special management areas. Wilderness recreation management areas are grouped hierarchically; in fact this data is often referred to as the "wilderness hierarchy." For example, a wilderness may be sub-divided into one or more compartments, which can then contain one or more concentrated use areas, which may contain multiple campsites. Although this hierarchy is not described in the GIS Core Data, it is described in the associated Infra Oracle tables. These feature classes should be edge-matched with the adjoining forest(s) when the wilderness is managed by two or more national forests. Also, where the outside boundary of these areas abut the wilderness boundary, these coverages should be coincident with the wilderness region subclasses in the Special Management Area layer of the Lands Theme.

Recreation Opportunity Settings

Posted 02/06/25

Depicts the spatial location of areas showing the type of Recreation Opportunity Settings that exist (Existing Condition) either without over-snow travel or uses (summer season) or year-round when no seasonal variation exists.

RMU - Range Management Units (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

RMU_Unit, RMU_SubUnit, RMU_WHB

Posted 02/06/25

RMU_Unit (Allotments) - Depicts the gross grazing management area (allotment) boundaries, range general resource area boundaries, and wild horse territories boundaries.

RMU_SubUnit (Pastures) - Depicts grazing implementation monitoring area boundaries within each Pasture.

RMU_WHB (Wild Horse and Burro Areas) - Depicts Wild Horse and Burro Areas

Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

TEU, Terrestrial Ecological Unit

 Posted 11/14/2024

Terrestrial Ecological Unit Inventory. Potential Natural Vegetation and Soil Class. The Land Type Map Component Vegetation, Soil, Geology (LT_MapCompVegSoilGeology) feature class has classification information for Vegetation (potential and existing), soil, geology, geomorphology, ecological types and miscellaneous classifications. Classifications are displayed in order of dominance for each type (PNV, Soil, etc) along with the percentage based on aggregating component actual percents (null values are treated as 0). If there are multiple classifications per component, that component percent is divided by the number of classifications that are attached to that component, and then that percent is aggregated up to the map unit. Map Symbol Comp Pct Vegetation Class 22 1 45 VegClass1 22 2 30 Vegclass2 22 3 25 Vegclass1 Aggregated Vegetation class Vegclass1 - 70 pct Vegclass2 - 30 pct

Transportation (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract


Posted 02/06/25

Road network on the Southwestern Region Forest Service. This feature class has the event table from INFRA II_ROAD_CORE overlayed on it with all the core attributes. A route system depicts all roads within or in close proximity to an administrative unit. A road is a motor vehicle travel way over 50 inches wide, unless classified and managed as a trail. A road may be classified or unclassified. Classified roads are roads within the National Forest System lands planned and managed for motor vehicle access including State roads, county roads, private roads, permitted roads, and Forest Service roads.


Posted 02/06/25

Trail routes on the Southwestern Region Forest Service. This feature class has the event table from INFRA II_TRAIL_CORE overlayed on it with all the core attributes. A route system depicts all trails within or in close proximity to an administrative unit. A trail is a linear feature constructed for the purpose of allowing the free movement of people, stock, or Off Highway Vehicles (OHV).

Arizona Trail Alignment

The Arizona National Scenic Trail is 807 miles long running across the entire length of the state from the U.S./ Mexico border to Utah. Designated by Congress as a National Scenic Trail in 2009, the non-motorized AZNST showcases Arizona's diverse vegetation, wildlife, scenery, and history. The USDA Forest Service is the lead managing agency for the AZNST. The USDA Forest Service Region 3, Southwestern Region, provides management oversight to the AZNST GIS data layers. This line feature class dataset was confirmed using Region 3’s Federal and State data, reference data, and third-party data.

MVUM (Motor Vehicle Use Map) Data

Posted 02/06/25

Motorized Vehicle Use Maps (MVUM) Data, These MVUM maps are valid in as of the publication date which have been designated as open to motorized vehicles under the Travel Management Rule (36 CFR 212, Subpart B, Designation of Roads, Trails, and Areas for Motor Vehicle Use). Routes not designated for motor vehicle use (such as non-motorized trails, single-purpose roads and trails, unauthorized roads and trails, and temporary roads and trails) are not included.

Specific types of motorized vehicles allowed on the designated roads/trails and their seasons of use. These data represent the following symbol classes of roads and trails: Open to All Vehicles, Open to Highway Legal Vehicles and Roads with Seasonal Designations.

MVUM (Motor Vehicle Use Map) Downloadable Maps

Download Motor Vehicle Use Maps
Printable MVUM as PDF files

Santa Fe N.F. Main Roads

Posted 2/4/2022

Main roads in and around the SFNF, including highways, county roads and main Forest roads. Sources included the Forest's system roads/Infra, county road data submitted to the NMDOT, and statewide roads from NMDOT.

Vegetation (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

INREV (OSU Institute Natural Resources Existing Vegetation)

Posted 3/18/2024

Existing vegetation mapping provides basic information on the current condition of vegetation structure and composition. Beginning in 2004 the Southwestern Region developed Mid-Scale Existing Vegetation Mapping on all National Forests and Grasslands (Mellin et al. 2008). The Southwestern Region collaborated with OSU’s Institute of Natural Resources to develop new mid-scale mapping with the INREV project. Mid-scale mapping is compliant with agency technical guidance for existing vegetation (Brohman and Bryant 2005, Nelson et al. 2015). For business needs of natural resource organizations, existing vegetation mapping represents an important component in an overall inventory, monitoring, and analysis framework. Update July 2023.

Existing vegetation mapping is often used in combination with ecosystem type mapping such asEcological Response Units (Wahlberg et al. 2020) for purposes of landscape assessment and habitat modeling. Existing vegetation mapping can also be combined with ecological mapping such as TEUI (Winthers et al. 2006) for assessment involving Ecological Site Descriptions (Creque et al. 1999, SRM 1995). The INREV dataset is best applied and most appropriately summarized at the HUC12 subwatershed level (10,000 – 40,000 acres) or larger areal extents.

Mid-Scale Existing Vegetation Canopy Cover Map Units

Posted 9/9/2019

Canopy cover map units of trees for tree life form polygons or shrubs for shrub life form polygons. The Southwestern Region existing vegetation mapping program (R3-EVP) is intended to meet the needs of forest plan revisions, national fire planning, and other landscape-level analyses by providing a consistent, region-wide dataset that depicts existing vegetation at the mid-scale level.

Mid-Scale Existing Vegetation Dominance Type Map Units

Posted 7/9/2020

Polygons of dominance type in the map units. Dominance types are defined by the species or genera of greatest abundance, usually of the uppermost canopy of the plant community. The Southwestern Region existing vegetation mapping program (R3-EVP) is intended to meet the needs of forest plan revisions, national fire planning, and other landscape-level analyses by providing a consistent, region-wide dataset that depicts existing vegetation at the mid-scale level.

Mid-Scale Existing Vegetation Life Form

Posted 7/6/2020

Polygons representing the dominant life form. The Southwestern Region existing vegetation mapping program (R3-EVP) is intended to meet the needs of forest plan revisions, national fire planning, and other landscape-level analyses by providing a consistent, region-wide dataset that depicts existing vegetation at the mid-scale level.

Mid-Scale Existing Vegetation Size Map Units

Posted 9/9/2019

Diameter class map unit of dominant trees for tree life form polygons or shrub height class for shrub life form polygons. The Southwestern Region existing vegetation mapping program (R3-EVP) is intended to meet the needs of forest plan revisions, national fire planning, and other landscape-level analyses by providing a consistent, region-wide dataset that depicts existing vegetation at the mid-scale level.

Riparian Existing Vegetation​ (REV)

Posted 4/8/2022

This feature class contains attribute information from four different vegetation maps (Lifeform Type, Leaf Retention Type, Canopy Cover, and  Size Class) and statistics on NDVI and lidar.

For this project canopy height and cover data were derived from lidar data found within the Prescott National Forest and used in mapping tree size. The lidar and other predictor variables from imagery were used to segment the study area into objects with similar characteristics for use in vegetation mapping. Vegetation mapping attributes were then added to each segment as classified by Random Decision Forest classifier. A 20 meter buffer from the RMAP boundary was created as a study area. Two final products are presented, this product that has been clipped to the RMAP boundary with map features designed to meet a minimum size of .25 hectares and a second that includes the 20 meter buffer and has no minimum map unit.

Project Reports:
Apache-Sitreaves, Carson, Cibola, Coconino, Coronado, Gila, Kaibab, Lincoln, Prescott, Santa Fe, Tonto

Riparian Potential Vegetation​

Posted 3/11/2019

Riparian Potential Vegetation - Potential Riparian plant communities across Forests and Grasslands of the US Forest Service Southwestern Region. Riparian Potential Vegetation is derived from the Ecological Response Units (ERUs) layer.

Ecological Response Units (ERUs) facilitate landscape analyses and planning. The framework represents all major ecosystem types of the southwest region, and represents a stratification of biophysical themes. ERUs are used to define historic/reference conditions within a mapping unit by integrating site potential (soil physical and chemical properties, geology, geomorphology, aspect, slope, climate variables, and geographic location), fire regime (historic and contemporary), neighboring vegetation communities, and serial state sequence.

Regional Riparian Mapping Project Report (PDF)

Apache Sitgreaves N.F.
Vegetation Polygons

Posted 9/14/2018

Site (stand) boundaries which depict the dominant cover type for a homogeneous unit on the ground.

Carson N.F.
Vegetation Polygons

Posted 8/2012

Site (stand) boundaries which depict the dominant cover type for a homogeneous unit on the ground.

Santa Fe N.F.
Vegetation Polygons (FSVeg Cover Type)

Posted 2/9/2022

Site (stand) boundaries which depict the dominant cover type for a homogeneous unit on the ground.

Wild Land Fire (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Fire History Occurrences (Points) and Perimeters (Polygons)

Posted 02/06/25

Wildfire Perimeters > 100 acres, 2000 – Present Year

The FireOccurrence point layer represents ignition points from which individual wildland fires started. Data are maintained at the Forest/District level, or their equivalent, to track the occurrence and the origin of individual wildland fires.

The FirePerimeter polygon layer represents final mapped wildland fire perimeters. Incidents of 10 acres or greater in size are expected where either the landowner or the protecting agency at the point of origin (where the incident started) is the U.S. Forest Service (USFS). Incidents smaller than 10 acres in size may also be included. Data are maintained at the Forest/District level, or their equivalent, to track the area affected by wildland fire. 

Fire Retardant Avoidance

Posted: January 2025

This data contains fire retardant avoidance location polygons for Threatened, Sensitive, Endangered species and waterways, Streams and Water Bodies. within this Forest or Region. Data is derived from information created as a result of Forest Service 2008 Guidelines for development of T&E layers, thus those 2008 guidelines should be consulted as necessary. This dataset is resultant from TES modifications guided by 2011 directions given to local and regional TES Coordinators. While the information in this dataset do not require specific attributes reflecting species, etc. The raw TES data used to create these layers must be maintained locally with full attributes for later reference and eventual upload to the Forest Service Enterprise Data Center.

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Areas (Southwestern Region)

Category/Feature Class Abstract

Wildland Urban Interface

Posted 02/06/25

Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) Areas Adjacent to Forest Service Lands in the South Western Region of the Forest Service

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