Wilderness Regulations and Permits

 Keep Wilderness Wild

Thank you for your interest in visiting wilderness. Please read through the wilderness regulations before planning your trip.


Wilderness Permits are not required from November 30 - April 15. If you plan a trip into the Wildereness let friends and family know your itinerary. 

A Wilderness Permit is required for all overnight trips to the Emigrant, Carson-Iceberg, and Mokelumne Wilderness Areas.

If you plan to have a campfire in the Emigrant or Carson - Iceberg Wilderness you must obtain a Campfire permit from CAL FIRE. (See below for more information - fires are NEVER permitted in the Mokelumne Wilderness)

There are no quota or reservation systems for the Emigrant, Carson-Iceberg or Mokelumne (except for the Carson Pass Management Area).

If you are planning a trip to the Emigrant, Carson-Iceberg or Mokelumne wilderness that originate at trailheads within the boundaries of another National Forest or National Park, you must obtain your permit from that agency.

For Example: Leavitt Lake Trailhead is within the boundaries of the Humboldt – Toiyabe National Forest. If your trip starts at Leavitt Lake and you are traveling into the Emigrant, or Hoover Wilderness or to Yosemite National Park please contact the Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest. Humboldt-Toiyabe National Forest - Passes & Permits (usda.gov)

Sonora Pass is within the boundary of the Stanislaus National Forest, Summit Ranger District. If you are starting a long distance trip from Sonora Pass you must obtain a permit from the Summit Ranger Station (in person or phone – see below) on the Stanislaus National Forest.

Ebbetts Pass is within the boundary of the Humboldt – Toiyabe National Forest please visit their website for more information on how to obtain a long distance permit from Ebbetts Pass.

Where to Acquire a Wilderness Permit

Summit Ranger Station (Hwy 108) will be issuing permits in person during office hours. If the Ranger Station is not open you can self-issue your permit at the kiosk in front of the Summit Ranger Station. 

Calaveras Ranger Station (Hwy 4) will be issuing permits in person during office hours. If the Ranger Station is not open you can self-issue your permit at the kiosk in front of the Calaveras Ranger Station or at Lake Alpine Ranger Station.

Groveland Ranger Station (Hwy 120) will be issuing permits over the phone or in person during office hours. Permits will be issued no more than 3 - 5 days prior to your departure date. ***There is a QUOTA to go to Kibbie Lake and Eleanor Lake from the Shingle Springs or Kibbie Lake Trailhead. You must call the Groveland Ranger Station to get a permit for this route.***

Supervisor’s Office (Sonora) will be issuing permits in person during office hours.

Traveling to Echo Summit / or Tuolumne Meadows on the Pacific Crest Trail

The Stanislaus National Forest is authorized to issue wilderness permits for trips into these wilderness areas that originate at Stanislaus National Forest trailheads.

We can issue wilderness permits that originate at Stanislaus National Forest trailheads and exit at or before Tuolumne Meadows (Tioga Road/ Hwy 120) or at or before Echo Summit (Hwy 50), with the exception of trips that overnight in the Carson Pass Management Area.

Due to the complexity of trips that travel outside of the boundaries of the Stanislaus National Forest, you CAN NOT utilize the self-issue stations. Please visit one of our local Ranger Stations in person or call ahead. We can issue a permit over the phone and email it to you up to 7 days in advance if needed.


Please observe the following regulations to help preserve your wilderness experience and protect wilderness character for future generations:

Image Two Hikers with backpacks and hiking sticks hiking on trail

Group Size Limits
In order to protect visitors’ opportunities for solitude and reduce physical impacts, all affiliated groups must camp and travel separately, always remaining at least one mile apart.  In the Emigrant and Carson-Iceberg Wilderness Areas the maximum group size (for day or overnight use) is 15 persons; number of stock animals is limited to 25 head per group in these Areas.

The Mokelumne Wilderness maximum group size is 12 for day use and 8 for overnight; number of stock allowed is 4 for 2 night max, in the Mokelumne Canyon and below Telephone Gulch in the Lower Summit City Canyon camping with overnight recreation stock is restricted to the following areas:  Munson Meadow/ Camp Irene/ Lake Valley Corridor stock is only permitted at Camp Irene and is limited to one stock group at a time; Summit City Canyon from Telephone Gulch to the end of maintained system trail where it crosses Summit City Creek; From the Hermit Valley trailhead to approximately 1/2 mile below Deer Creek. Check with the Amador Ranger Station on the Eldorado National Forest before your trip using the contact info here.

Image of a campfireImage No Wood Cutting allowedImage No breaking limbs from trees


Please note fires are not allowed in the Mokelumne Wilderness. 

Acquire your Campfire Permit from Calfire prior to your trip. Carry your permit with you during your trip.

Escaped campfires are a major cause of wildfires in California and have led to increasing losses of life, property, and forest resources in recent years. Fire Restrictions can change at any time, so always check the Stanislaus homepage right before your trip (look on the right side for “Alerts & Notices”.  If you are visiting several Forests or Parks, check their sites as well.

Leaving a campfire without completely extinguishing it is always prohibited.

Building, attending, maintaining, or using a campfire or a stove fire is prohibited under the following conditions:

a) without a valid campfire permit,

b) without removing all flammable material (to bare mineral soil) from around the campfire adequate to prevent its escape,

c) in a restricted area during Fire Restrictions. 

d) in the Mokelumne Wilderness,

e) above 9000 ft or within 1/2 mile of Emigrant Lake in the Emigrant Wilderness,


Image of a Tent

Campsite Location
In the Emigrant and Carson-Iceberg Wilderness Areas, camping is prohibited within 100 feet of lakes, streams, and trails, or where posted. This regulation helps protect delicate lakeside vegetation, preserves solitude, protects water quality, and allows recovery of closed campsites.

In the Emigrant: Camping for more than one night at Camp, Bear, Grouse, Powell or Waterhouse Lakes in the Emigrant Wilderness is prohibited in order to protect opportunities for solitude at these popular destinations.

In the Mokelumne Wilderness Camping is prohibited in the following areas:

a) Outside of a designated camping site in the Carson Pass Mgmt. Area (CPMA) from Memorial Day to Labor Day; 

b) Within 300 ft of Emigrant Lake, except when there is snow on the ground

c) Frog Lake

d) Within a designated camping site at Winnemucca, Round Top Lakes, or Fourth of July Lakes, for more than two nights;

Camping in the Stanislaus National Forest for more than 14 consecutive days is also prohibited.


Image of a Men and Ladies Restroom

Resource Protection and Sanitation

In the Emigrant and Carson-Iceberg, disposing of body waste and wash water within 100 feet of any water source is prohibited to protect water quality.  In the Mokelumne, the disposing of body waste or wash water with 200 feet of any water source is prohibited.  Bury human waste at least 6-8 inches deep. Pack out all toilet paper.  Pack out all wipes; they are plastic and do not biodegrade.

Shortcutting of trail switchbacks is prohibited. Shortcutting causes erosion and diverts limited trail maintenance personnel from other needed work.


Image of a person throwing garbage in a trash recepticle


Disposing of debris, garbage, or other waste is prohibited inside of wilderness; such as foil, tin cans, baby wipes, toilet paper, cigarette buts. Adhere to this simple principle: pack it in, pack it out. Do not burn trash. Leave it better than you found it.


Image Two Hikers with backpacks and hiking sticks hiking on trail


Shortcutting of trail switchbacks is prohibited. Shortcutting causes erosion and diverts limited trail maintenance personnel from other needed work.


Image of a person shooting a rifle

Discharging a firearm, air rifle, or gas gun except for the taking of wildlife as permitted by State game laws, is prohibited to minimize the intrusion of human-caused noise and to prevent damage to natural features.


Image of a person riding a horse.Image No tethering of Stock to trees

Stock Holding and Grazing

Riding or allowing a horse or other saddle or pack animal off National Forest System trails within the Round Top Special Interest Area in the Mokelumne Wilderness is prohibited.

Possessing more than 4 head of saddle or pack stock per group in the Mokelumne Wilderness, or more than 25 head per group in the Emigrant or Carson-Iceberg Wilderness is prohibited.

Tying pack or saddle stock to trees, except while loading or unloading is prohibited.

Tying pack or saddle stock within 200 feet of lakes, streams, trails, or campsites, except while loading or unloading in the Mokelumne Wilderness, or within 100 feet of same within the Emigrant or Carson-Iceberg is prohibited.

Grazing or holding stock overnight within 1/4 mile of Bear, Camp, Deer, Grouse, Powell, Waterhouse, or Wood Lakes. Grazing or holding more than 4 head of stock overnight within 1/4 mile of Gem, Jewelry, Long, Maxwell, Pingree, Piute, and Rosasco Lakes is prohibited.

Image Storing food or personal property in Wilderness Areas Id Not Allowed

Caching of Personal Property
It is prohibited to leave unattended within the wilderness any equipment, personal property or supplies for a period in excess of 24 hours to preserve the undeveloped character of wilderness. This includes barbeque grates, geocaches, and hunting camps.


 Image No OHV or Motorized Vehicle use Travel allowedImage No Snowmobiling IconImage  No Bicycle riding is allowed on trails or anywhere in Wilderness AreasImage of an ATV -No Riding in Wilderness AreasRed circle bisected with a slash drawn over a picture of a drone.

Wheeled Vehicles & Motorized Equipment
The possession or use of any wagon, cart, or mechanized vehicle (including bicycles and game carts) or any motorized equipment is prohibited to preserve the primitive character of wilderness. This includes a prohibition on drones.

Additional Regulations
The above regulations are in addition to the general regulations found in 36 CFR Part 261, Subpart A.



Yosemite National Park Wilderness

Please contact Yosemite National Park for new information about wilderness permits.

For trips entering Yosemite National Park Wilderness from the Stanislaus National Forest and staying overnight at Kibbie Lake or Lake Eleanor (near Cherry Lake), you must call the Groveland Ranger District 1 day in advance of your trip.  It is recommended that you call at 8:30 AM (no sooner) since the permits go quickly.  If you are planning to start your trip on a Sunday or Monday you need to call for your permit on Friday.  The Groveland Ranger District office is closed on Saturday, Sunday and all major holidays.  Only 25 people may obtain an overnight wilderness permit going through the Lake Eleanor trailhead and only 10 people may obtain an overnight permit going through the Lake Eleanor trailhead per day, as per National Park quotas. These free permits are required year-round.  Bear canisters are required and dogs, even on-leash, are not allowed in Yosemite wilderness.  Cherry Lake Dam gate to Kibbie Lake and Lake Eleanor opens from April 15-December 15.

All Yosemite National Park wilderness regulations apply.

ICON Bear Country Image of a bear.

Visiting Bear Country
Although Bear Canisters are currently not required in these Stanislaus National Forest wilderness areas, please see the When Visiting Bear Country information guide for basic good practices around bears. Never feed or leave garbage behind for any wild animal.

Logo of Leave No TraceLeave No Trace
To help preserve the wild character of your wilderness areas, the Forest Service strongly recommends that all visitors follow simple Leave-No-Trace methods.