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Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Announces Economic Recovery Projects for Invasive Species

Press Office

Washington, -

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack announced today projects funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) for invasive species projects. In total, there are 19 projects, funded at over $38 million, in 14 states.

'These projects will provide for public health and safety by restoring forestlands and rangelands damaged by invasive species," said Vilsack. "Invasives weaken affected ecosystems and reduce resource benefits from forests and rangelands."

Invasive species affect the health of ecosystems by stressing the naturally-occurring species and competing with them for resources. Stressed ecosystems are at risk of loss. These funds will be used to suppress and control species such as: kudzu, cogon grass, and hemlock woolly adelgid.

A listing of the invasive species projects is attached. Information on other Forest Service ARRA projects and related economic recovery can be found at:

State Number of Projects Est Am't to Accomplish ($1000)
Alaska 1 $1,140
Alabama 1 $6,281
California 2 $7,511
Georgia 1 $1,795
Hawaii 1 $4,486
Massachusetts 1 $538
Michigan 1 $2,692
Mississippi 2 $2,767
North Carolina 1 $120
Ohio 1 $4,419
Oregon 3 $2,513
Rhode Island 1 $673
South Carolina 2 $879
Washington 1 $2,243
TOTAL 19 $38,057