Phillips Selected As Deputy Chief For Programs And Legislation
USDA Forest Service Chief Mike Dombeck announced the selection of Randy Phillips as the agency's Deputy Chief for Programs and Legislation. Phillips will be responsible for all legislative activities, policy analysis, reinvention, controlled correspondence, and the Forest Service strategic planning process.
"Randy brings a wealth of experience and expertise to this position," said Dombeck. "He has served at all levels of the agency, including the Washington Office, enabling him to examine all areas of policy, budget, and strategic planning as we enter the twenty-first century. He is an exemplary leader with whom I look forward to sharing the agency's future challenges," Dombeck continued.
Phillips has served in the Forest Service for more than 22 years. With degrees in forest resource management and political science from Emory University, Florida State University, and the University of Montana, Phillips has a breadth of experience managing all natural resource programs in the agency.
"I am truly honored to be selected for this position, and I look forward to the challenges that lie ahead," said Phillips. "I hope the experience I have gained at all levels of the organization, and the relationships I have developed with many of our national forests and grassland stakeholders will help me provide leadership to the agency."
Phillips' service with the agency includes forester, district ranger on two national forests and grasslands, and assistant to the regional forester in the Northern Region, Missoula, Mont. From 1993-1997, Phillips was the Forest Supervisor for the four national forests in North Carolina, responsible for the management of 1.2 million acres across the state of North Carolina, two civilian job corps centers, and a volunteer work force of more than four thousand people. He assisted the governor of North Carolina with developing a strategic plan for sustainable forest management, chaired the Southern Appalachian Man in the Biosphere Program, and the Natural Resource Leadership Institute at North Carolina State University. Randy is a current member of the Society of American Foresters and has held memberships in the Society for Range Management and the National Wild Turkey Federation.
Phillips is married and has two daughters.
He replaces Ron Stewart, who retired from the Forest Service last month.