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Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster Contest-Kids

A photo of Audrey Morga, an 11-year-old fifth-grader from Woodland Hills, Calif., won the National Grand Prize in the Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Poster Content. Audrey is standing next to the Forest Service chief Tom Tidwell.Fifth-grader Audrey Morga's drawing of forest animals recycling and planting gardens earned her the title of Grand Prize Winner in the Smokey Bear & Woodsy Owl Coloring Contest.

Do you have what it takes? We bet you do. You could win a trip to Washington, D.C., with your family.

It’s easy to enter the contest. Ask your parent or teacher for help in getting the official rules. Here are some basic instructions to get you started. But don’t wait too long. Thousands of kids just like you enter the contest each year.

What can you draw?

  • The contest is so kids from first to fifth grade can help Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl get their messages out to other kids.  Smokey Bear’s message is “Only YOU Can Prevent Wildfires!” and Woodsy Owl’s conservation message is “Lend a Hand, Care for the Land!”

  • Get to know Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl by reading about them on the Internet or in your library. What do their messages mean to you? The more you read, the more you might think of an idea that you can use to draw a picture that includes one of our fantastic pals and their special message. But remember, just choose one. You cannot use Smokey and Woodsy in the same poster.

  • Now that you have an idea of what you want to draw, it’s time to grab your crayons, markers, poster paints, water colors or any hand-help art tool. You cannot use the computer or someone else’s drawing. This is all about your artwork.

  • The size of your drawing must be 11 inches  by 17 inches.  

Don’t forget to ask a parent or teacher to help you find your local garden club, which will help you enter the contest. Remember, as always, it’s important to follow the rules – just like Smokey Bear and Woodsy Owl.

Hi Teachers and Parents, here's how to help enter the contest.